
Akkanvader (Japan)

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Infinite Credits40FFCB 09
2Infinite Lives Player 1410CDF 08
3Always have Auto & Full PowPlayer 1410CC9 3B
4Get & Shoot Full Pow Now! Player 11410CC9 3B
CODE: 001
5Infinite Lives Player 2410D5F 08
6Always have Auto & Full PowPlayer 1410D49 3B
7Get & Shoot Full Pow Now! Player 12410D49 3B
CODE: 001
8Region Switch = Japan307FFFF 01
CODE: 001
9Region Switch = US07FFFF 02
CODE: 001
10Region Switch = World07FFFF 03
CODE: 001

1Use this with an activation key for best effect
2Use this with an activation key for best effect
3After you enable these region cheats to see any effect you will have to reset the game (F3). Then you may have to turn the Test Mode ON (F2) wait then reset again (F3)

cheat.retrogames.com1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10