
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Infinite Health Leo0077 FF
2Infinite Health Raph0078 FF
3Infinite Health Mike0079 FF
4Infinite Health Don007A FF
5Boss Health Modifier0565 ??
6Infinite Time00BB FF
7Infinite Missiles00BF 0A
8Weapon Modifier - Leo10073 ??
9Weapon Modifier - Raph20074 ??
10Weapon Modifier - Mike30075 ??
11Weapon Modifier - Don40076 ??
12Infinite Weapons - Leo00A8 0F
13Infinite Weapons - Raph00A9 0F
14Infinite Weapons - Mike00AA 0F
15Infinite Weapons - Don00AB 0F
16Infinite Rope00A7 0F
17Permanent "Rolling" Form50540 91

101 - Star
02 - 3 Stars
03 - Boomerang
04 - Scroll
05 - Winged Bullet Thinger
201 - Star
02 - 3 Stars
03 - Boomerang
04 - Scroll
05 - Winged Bullet Thinger
301 - Star
02 - 3 Stars
03 - Boomerang
04 - Scroll
05 - Winged Bullet Thinger
401 - Star
02 - 3 Stars
03 - Boomerang
04 - Scroll
05 - Winged Bullet Thinger
5You can still climb ladders and get in/out of places. Anything that touches you dies; even the bosses and the big squishing machines. turn code OFF when going underwater or your character will be glitchy.

Viper1871, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16