
Three Stooges, The (U)

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
Codes Only Tested With 1P Playing
1Important Note1N/A
2Infinite Pies (In Pie-Throwing Contest)20092:09
3Always Day 1007C:01
4Boxing Round Always Set To 100AA:01
5Stooge Moves Faster (When Running During Boxing Match)30072:01
6Mini-Game Option Timer Starts At X Modifier (0 - 9)00D8:0X
7Infinite Time In Hospital Mini-Game (One's Digit)0099:09
8Infinite Time In Hospital Mini-Game (Ten's Digit)009A:09
9Earn Lots of Money40082:FF

1Some codes will crash the game in certain situations. For example, the cracker-eating contest froze on me when I had half of these codes turned on. If you can, only use the 'Earn Lots of Money' code.
2Ignore the HUD. You won't run out of pies.
3It turns your stooge invisible/invincible (?) and removes the other objects that normally litter the path.
4This should really help you beat the game. For example, at the end of one pie-throwing contest, I earned about $7600~. After two sessions, I had $14000~. $5000 is needed to beat the game and buy the orphanage back. ^_^

Rune a.k.a. Hitler2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9