
Pirates! (U)

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
Gold Codes
1Infinite Gold (Hundred Thousand's Digit)0324:19
2Infinite Gold (Ten Thousand's Digit)0325:19
3Infinite Gold (Thousand's Digit)0326:19
4Infinite Gold (Hundred's Digit)0327:19
5Infinite Gold (Ten's Digit)0328:19
Hold Codes
6Max Food In Hold10344:FF
7Max Goods In Hold0345:FF
8Max Sugar In Hold0346:FF
9Max Cannons In Hold0347:FF
10Infinite Space In Hold (Ten Thousand's Digit)032E:10
11Infinite Space In Hold (Thousand's Digit)032F:10
12Infinite Space In Hold (Hundred's Digit)0330:10
13Infinite Space In Hold (Ten's Digit)0331:10
14Infinite Space In Hold (One's Digit)0332:10
Fencing Codes
15Pirate Health Modifier (Your Character)002D:FF
16Pirate Health Modifier (On Left)20075:XX

1Having too much may crash the game.
2Let me know if this code isn't working for you. It's hard to tell how strength each character has left.

Rune a.k.a. Hitler1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16