
Double Dragon

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Infinite Health03B4:50
2Infinite Time0505:99
3Infinite Lives0043 04
4Start With All Hearts0040 07
5Gain Hearts Quickly10042 0D
6Always Have Ball Bat20396 80
7All Enemies Die With One Knockdown, Part 1303B5 00
8All Enemies Die With One Knockdown, Part 203B6 00
9Level Modifier4003D:XX

1Not necessary if "all hearts" code is used.
2If you drop the bat, you automatically have another one, but an enemy can pick up the one you dropped. As many as you drop, the enemies can pick up! Change value to 255 for "ugly stick" when you complete an area.
3Both parts needed for codes to work.
400 - Streets Stage
01 - Construction Stage
02 - Forest Stage
03 - White Temple Stage (?)
04 - Golden Walls At Sea (Unplayable)
05 - Crashes

Dlong & Phil The Hammer1, 2
Phil The Hammer3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Rune a.k.a. Hitler9