

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Level Modifier1000D:XX
2Infinite Health P1051A 2F
3Invincibility P10574 0A
4Invincibility P20575:0A
5P1 Character Modifier2009E:XX
6P2 Character Modifier3009F:XX
7Infinite Lives P10011:05
8Infinite Lives P20012:05
9Hover Above The Ground0475 05
10Invisible0439 05
11WEIRD!40019 05

100 - Level 1 - Ragnarok's Canyon (Impact Crater - With SS Vulture Intro)
01 - Level 1 - Ragnarok's Canyon (Impact Crater - Without Intro)
02 - Level 2 - Wookie Hole (Impact Crater - Trench Downwards)
03 - Level 3 - Turbo Tunnel (Chasm)
04 - Level 4 - Arctic Caverns (Ice Cavern)
05 - Level 5 - Surf City (Water Rapids)
06 - Level 6 - Karnath's Lair (Snake Pit)
07 - Level 7 - Volkmire's Inferno (Fire Zone)
08 - Level 8 - Intruder Excluder (Elevator Shaft)
09 - Level 9 - Terra Tubes (Gargantva Ducts)
0A - Level 10 - Rat Race
0B - Level 11 - Clinger-Winger
0C - Fight Against Dark Queen
0D - Level 13 - Armageddon
0E - Failure Screen (Then "LV 14" - Impact Crater All Over Again)
0F - Glitches
200 - Green Toad
01 - Invisible Toad

Note: This may not be the character modifier, and just a code to turn on and off the character's images.
300 - Invisible Toad
01 - Brown Toad
4This code may mess the game, it messes the graphics, and the dude at the beginning says something about AOL, and when you attack an enemy, you throw them into outerspace, after you do that and you hit attack again, you fly into outerspace and restart, its SO cool!

Rune a.k.a. Hitler1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Parasyte2, 3
Atlas9, 10, 11