
Valkyrie Profile

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Joker CommandD002B6A0 ????
2Time Always 00:00:00801F5F84 0000
801F5F86 0000
3Max Materialize Points801F5F80 FFFF
801F5F82 7FFF
Character Modifier
4Slot 1301F6278 00??
5Slot 2301F6279 00??
6Slot 3301F627A 00??
7Slot 4301F627B 00??
8Current MP Modifier801F5F80 ????
9Max Current MP Modifier801F5F80 FFFF
801F5F82 7FFF
10Exp. Left Modifier (Exp. Orb)8004ABC8 ????
11Max Exp. Left (Exp. Orb)8004ABC8 FFFF
12Save Anywhere301F6274 0011
13Max Evaluation Points801F6264 270F
14Perfume Modifier (Salerno Academy)301E5C45 00??
15Evaluation Points Never DecreaseD003ED8A A443
8003ED8A 2400
16Super Item CodeD0045952 1040
80045952 2400
D00458AE A440
800458AE 2400
D00458B2 A140
800458B2 2400
17Infinite CP All CharactersD005C71E A6A2
8005C71E 2400
18Infinite MPD005AFDE ACE2
8005AFDE 2400
19Open Seraphic Gate (Main Menu)8005E422 0011
20Save\Divine Item AnywhereE007FD74 0000
801F6274 0001
21Super Exp Orb1D005ECA2 AC23
8005ECA2 2400
D005ECC6 0043
8005ECC6 2400
22Exp Points Never Decrease2D005ECCE AC22
8005ECCE 2400
23Infinite Time (Brahm Castle)801E5C4C 3B03

1With this code, Press Down to increase Exp.
2With this code, do not use it with the Super Exp Orb Code.

Sage & Jackel & sash@hotbot.com1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23