
Thousand Arms

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Max Exp8005F8E6 270F
2Infinite HP8005F8EA 270F
3Max HP8005F8E8 270F
4Infinite EP8005F8EE 03E7
5Max EP8005F8EC 03E7
6Level 993005F8F4 0063
7Weapon Level 993005F8F5 0063
8Max Elemental Power3005F8F4 0063
9Max Speed3005F8F5 0063
10Max Evasion Rate3005F8F8 0063
11Accessory Equipped Modifier3005F8F9 00??
12Status Normal8005F8FA 0000
13Weapon Equipped Modifier3005F8FC 00??
14Weapon Attribute Modifier13005F8FD 00??
15Character Modifier3005F901 00??
16Have All Specials8005F902 FFFF
Max Special Codes
17Twister Blade3005F904 0063
18Storm Binder3005F905 0063
19D. Cyclone3005F906 0063
20Tornado Voice3005F907 0063
21Have All Spells8005F90C FFFF
8005F90E FFFF
8005F910 FFFF
8005F912 FFFF
22Exp Modifier
(Change ?'s To F's For Quick Level Gain)
8005F8E4 ????

1Some weapons don't have any attributes, so they are just matter.

Most by Thunder214