
Tactics Ogre

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Infinite Goth800B61C0 FFFF
2Max Goth800B61C0 E0FF
800B61C2 05F5
3Recruit Lich From Shops L-TYPE300E74C2 000C
4Shoppers Delight1D011F338 0003
300E650C 00CF
D011F338 0003
5000CF02 0001
800E6E08 0001
5Hold L2 To Stay Active (In-Battle)2D011F338 0001
800B6184 0000
Game Time Modifier Codes
6Hours8013E2F0 00??
7Minutes8013E2F4 00??
8Seconds8013E2F2 00??
9Day Modifier800B61BC 0???

1With this code, goto a shop, try to buy something and everything appears normal, Hold L2+R2 and you'll get access to every spell and piece of equipment in the game.
2With this code, when holding L2, the person you are in control of stays active. Let go of L2 when you want to switch to a different character. (Doesnt work for guests or enemies.)

Thunder2,, Unknown & amplificar@excite.com1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9