
Rainbow 6

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Infinite Health8005518A 2400
2Infinite Ammo80052BAE 2400
800AE5B6 0063
800AE8EA 0063
800AEC1E 0063
3Have All Levels Unlocked8007E7E0 0001
80080B68 000D
4Infinite Time800CBAF2 2400
5Never Fail180076074 0017
80076094 0000
800760BC 0000
8007F49C 0000
80080B9C 0000
6Entire Team Invincible8007D430 0001
7All Levels Unlocked8007D434 0001
8Display Cordinates8007D43C 0001
9Show Credits8007D444 0001
10Hostages Can't Die8007D448 0001
11No Terrorists8007D44C 0001
12All Doors Unlocked8007D458 0001
13Maxed Out Attributes800810EC 0001
14Victory Conditions Off8007D450 0000

1By changing the last four numbers to '1' you will always fail. I haven't fully tested it yet, but it's safe to say that you probably have to turn off the codes before completing the mission.

Tormentor1, 3
Most by ViperByte2