
Porsche Challenge

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Infinite Time800DAAF0 0708
2Total Time is 0'00800DAAF4 0000
3Infinite Restarts800D49B2 0002
4Always in 1st Place800DAADA 0001
5Always Be Hidden CarD009393C 48ED
80093036 0006
6All Cars Jump800CA5BA 0001
7Hyper Car & Invisible Car800CA5BE 0101
8Mirror Mode/Interactive Tracks800CA5C0 0101
9Long Tracks/High Voices800CA5C2 0101
10Have Secret Modes (Main Menu)300CA5B9 0001
11Infinite Continues300CA5B4 0001

ViperByte1, 2, 3, 4, 5
lowaiyin@iname.com6, 7
Jollyroger8, 9
Robb10, 11