

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
Quantity Digits
1Item Modifier Quantity Digits1N/A


If anyone wants to finish these digits up, type them up in this form, and email them to for your credit.

00A - Spt Stone
00B - Hero's ArmB
00C - Know Horn
00D - Wis Medl
00E - Know Medl
00F - Gaia Bud
010 - Grantz Key
011 - Intro Let
012 - Cafe Key
013 - J Wallet
014 - Steamer P
015 - Lilly Let
016 - Cabin Key
017 - Sulfaweed
018 - Jail Key
019 - Mastr Key
01A - God Nectr
01B - Mist Nut
01C - Sue Shoes
01D - Herospear
01E - Tele Orb
01F - Apron
020 - Pot Lid
021 - Iron Pot
022 - WD Sword
023 - Spt Sword
024 - Biscuits
025 - Marie Pin
026 - Coal Candy
027 - Clara Let
028 - Pearl
029 - Rainb Key
02A - Boild Egg

All by ViperByte & Thunder21