
Legend Of Zelda - Majora's Mask

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
Requires Zelda Keycode
Activators & Enable Code
1Enable Code (Must Be On)
(Xplorer 64 Only!)
2A096820 2400
2Enable Code (Must Be On)
(Cheat Device 2.5 Or 3.30 Needed!)
(Due to a bug in Cheat Device 3.0, 3.10, 3.20 & 3.21, this enable code still doesn't work, even the long ass version of it, ala DK 64, did not work either.)

ALSO NOTE: With this FF enable code, it doesnt give the device much room to store 'Active Cheats'... Therefore only 7 or 8 codes will be activate any once.
F1096820 2400
FF000220 0000
3Activator 1 P1D03E6B3A 00??
4Activator 2 P1D03E6B3B 00??
5Dual Activator P1D13E6B3A 00??
6Infinite Health811EF6A6 0140
7Max Health811EF6A4 0140
8Infinite Magic801EF6A9 0030
9Infinite Rupees811EF6AA 03E7
10Infinite Arrows801EF711 0009
11Infinite Bombs801EF716 0009
12Infinite Bombachus801EF717 0009
13Infinite Deku Sticks801EF718 0009
14Infinite Deku Nuts801EF719 0009
15Infinite Magic Beans801EF71A 0009
16Infinite Powder Keg801EF71C 0009
17Maximum Visibility80166118 0020
18Semi-Walk Through Walls #18017CBC4 0020
19Semi-Walk Through Walls #218017CBAC 0020
20No Collisions28017F5B4 0020
21Blue Fog80166108 0020
22Pink Fog8016610C 0020
23Yellow Fog80166110 0020
24Alternate Entrances38016A720 0020
25Fight Demo Majora's Mask8016A718 0020
26L Button For Moon Jump4D03E6B3B 0020
813FFE18 40CB
27All Items Can Be Used As Any Character5811F3588 0000 811F358A 0000
28All Quest/Status Items801EF72D 0005
811EF72E F7CF
29Link's Form Modifier6801EF690 00??
30B Button Modifier7801EF6BC 00??
31C-Left Button Modifier8801EF6BD 00??
32C-Down Button Modifier801EF6BE 00??
33C-Right Button Modifier801EF6BF 00??
34All Equipment Upgrades9801EF6DD 0023
811EF72A 201B
35Fast Time Flow (Press D-Up)10D03E6B3B 0008
811F35C8 0101
36Double Magic Meter811EF6B0 0101
37Day Modifier11801EF68B 00??
38Time of Day Modifier12811EF67C ????
39Double Defense801EF6B2 0001
801EF743 0014
40Have Big Key, Compass, & Map811EF730 0707
811EF732 0707
41Have All Stray Fairies811EF744 0F0F
811EF746 0F0F
42Infinite Small Keys811EF73A 0909
811EF73C 0909
43Mask Modifier13803FFF03 00??
44Swipe Stay Modifier14801E4FAF 00??
45Hold Weapon Style Modifier15803FFEFF 00??
46Use Shield With Two-Handed Weapons16803FFF01 0008
47Time Flow Modifier17811EF686 ????
48Always Have Swipe188040088B 0001
49Swipe Succession Modifier198040088D 00XX
50Have Great Fairy Sword801EF6F0 0010
51Warp Modifier20D03E6B3A 0010
803FF395 0001
813FF39A ????
52Press L To Levitate (+Kafei)21D03E6B3B 0020
813FFE18 40CB
D03E6B3B 0020
81414B78 40CB
53Climb Any Slope, Pass Through Some Vertical Walls (+Kafei)228040081A 0094
8041557A 0043
54Enable All Owl Statues23811EF6B6 FFFF
55Dog In South Clocktown Object Modifier248154E6DE XXXX
8154E7B4 YYYY
8154E7C2 ZZZZ
56Play As Kafei In Clocktown (Should Work On Everything But PJ64)D03E6B3B 0020
813E87EC 8041
D03E6B3B 0020
813E87EE A0E0
D03E6B3B 0020
8041A0E2 0002
D03E6B3B 0020
813E6DD0 8041
D03E6B3B 0020
813E6DD2 A0E0
D03E6B3B 0020
8141688C 0000
D03E6B3B 0020
8141688E 0000

1With this code, it works for a few places, for kafei's place, swing sword at door to go through.
2With this code, you are able to go through all rocks, freezing ice, people, and other props. Not able to go through doors though. Also immune to some enemies.
3With this code, never play the song of time with this code on, it will erase your game!!! Also never ride Epona. This code's only use is that it allows you to get to certain save points before you are suppose to. Once you get to a stone owl, save the game. Then turn off this code!
4With this code, you need to press and hold the 'L' button to rise up in the air, and then let go when you are at your desired height to fall.
5You can use any weapon as any transformation. you can even always be fierce deity link. some items may freeze when used as certain people like the bow but it does look cool if you find certian combinations. the deku scrub can even use the great fairy sword.
600 - Fierce Deity Link
01 - Goron Link
02 - Zora Link
03 - Deku Link
04 - Normal Link
7Misc Items
4A - Fire Arrow w/ Bow
4B - Ice Arrow w/ Bow
4C - Light Arrow w/ Bow
4D - Kokiri Sword
4E - Razor Sword
4F - Guilded Sword
50 - Deity Link's Sword
59 - Mystery Potion?(don't use)
5C - Fishing Pole
Boss Masks
5D - Odolwa's Remains
5E - Goht's Remains
5F - Gyrog's Remains
60 - Twinmold's Remains
8Misc. Items05 - Japanese Flute?
0B - Japanese Item?
10 - Great Fairy's Sword
11 - Japanese Hookshot?
31 - Japanese Scroll?
4A - Japanese Bow?
12 - Empty Bottle
13 - Red Potion
14 - Green Potion
15 - Blue Potion
16 - Fairy
17 - Deku Princess
18 - Milk
19 - Milk (1/2)
1A - Fish
1B - Bug
1C - Blue Fire
1D - Poe
1E - Big Poe
1F - Spring Water
20 - Hot Spring Water
21 - Zora Egg
22 - Gold Dust
23 - Magical Mushroom
24 - Sea Horse
25 - Chateau Romani
26 - Japanese Bottle?
27 - Empty Japanese Bottle?
Event Items
28 - Moon's Tear
29 - Land Title Deed
2A - Swap Title Deed
2B - Mountain Title Deed
2C - Ocean Title Deed
2D - Room Key
2E - Special Delivery To Mama
2F - Letter To Kafei
30 - Pendant Of Memories
9If you want the Guilded sword, you must put on the FD mask then take it off, or use this code 801EF6BC 004F in addition to the other codes, then save your game.
10Once it starts, you can't stop it unless you go into the Clock Tower or wait until a whole new day.
1100 - "Day 0"
01 - 1st Day
02 - 2nd Day
03 - 3rd Day
04 - Dawn of a New Day
If you put in the value 00, make sure it has an activator in front of it and hold it down when you go to a new area. Do NOT talk to ANYONE on Day 0 as the game WILL freeze. On the dawn of a new day, make sure not to play the Song of Double Time.
124001 - 6am
8000 - 12pm
C000 - 6pm
FFFF - 12am
If you switch between night and day the days will progress.
13Replace ?? with any of the below values. Make sure you equip the mask to a C-button and use the "Use Any Items As Any Character" code. Masks can be used in any form they just might not show properly.
00 - No Mask
01 - Mask of Truth
02 - Kafei's Mask
03 - All-Night Mask
04 - Bunny Hood
05 - Keaton Mask
06 - Garon Mask
07 - Romani's Mask
08 - Circus Leader's Mask
09 - Postman's Hat
0A - Couple's Mask
0B - Great Fairy's Mask
0C - Gibdo Mask
0D - Don Gero's Mask
0E - Kamaro's Mask
0F - Captain's Hat
10 - Stone Mask
11 - Bremen Mask
12 - Blast Mask(+)
13 - Mask of Scents
14 - Giant's Mask(yes it works)(*)
15 - Fierce Deity's Mask(*)
16 - Goron Mask(*)
17 - Zora Mask(*)
18 - Deku Mask(*)

* Means that if you don't have the mask equipped to a C-button, you will get stuck. Also, if you take one of these masks off with the C-button you will get stuck.
+ Don't ! use it, you can't transform.
14This modifies how long that white swipe when attacking will stay on the screen. Set this to 00 to disable swipes.
1500 - Swing both hands
01 - Low Left Hand, right hand shield
02 - Swing left hand, right hand shield
03 - Both hands held in front
04 - Swing both hands
05 - Swing both hands
06-0B - Hurt Link & "Rear slide roll"
16I seriously recommend adding one of these activators. If you are going to use the hookshot
D23FFEF7 000D
So your code would look like this:
D23FFEF7 000D
803FFF01 0008
170000 - Normal Speed
0007 - Double Speed
0100 - Really Fast
FFFD - Stopped
FFFA - Backwards
FEFA - Really Fast Backwards
Don't go bakcwards in time past 6am/6pm because it will make you go either ahead one day or behind a day. Also, do not go backwards past 6:30am on the first day in South Clock Town.
18With this code on, you will not be able to jump off of anything unless you use an activator. Swing a weapon and the swipe it leaves behind will continue to trail. If this trail hits an enemy it will get hurt.
1900 - Cannot execute the 2nd and 3rd swing blow
01 - Cannot execute the 3rd swing blow
02 - Skips the 2nd swing blow, jump attacks end in a backwards attack
03 - Freezes when Zora Link attacks
20Press R to trigger warp (or assign own activators)

Mayors Residence 0-1,10
Magic Hags Potion Shop 8,17,26,42,60
Romani Ranch Barn A,19,28,44,62,81,87,89,90
Mama's House B,1A,29,45,63,91,A0
Honey & Darlings Shop E,1D,2C,66,94,A3,C0,800
Final Boss Arena 15,24,40
Beneath the Graveyard (left entrance) 1F,2E,4A,68,69,96,A5,C2,F0
Beneath the Graveyard (right entrance) 2F,4B,97,A6,C3,F1,100
Southern Swamp (Reg Entrance) 30-3F,50-5F,6C,74,77,7D,80,8B,9A,A9,C6,399, D1-EF,F4
Southern Swamp (Spin triforce ent.)* B3
Southern Swamp (from tour house) 4F,6D,9B,AA,C7,F5
Southern Swamp (from Woodfall) 6E,9C,AB,C8,F6
Southern Swamp (from Deku Palace) 6F,9D,AC,C9,F7
Path to Ikana Canyon 78,7B
Southern Swamp (from Deku Place #2) 9E,AD,CA,F8
Southern Swamp (From Potion Shop) 9F,AE,CB,F9
Boat Cruise (picture taking) AF,CC,FA,26F
Southern Swamp (From Woods of Mystery) CD,FB.
Southern Swamp (From Spider House) CE,FC,
Southern Swamp (From Ikana Canyon) CF,D0,FD
Southern Swamp (From Owl Warp) FE

Curiosity Shop E00
Kafei's House (start in camera mode)* E02
Ikana Canyon Entrance E38
Lens of Truth Cave (get it) 1500
Stone Tower Temple (Upside down) 2600,2601,2608,260F
Stone Tower Temple (Boss Room Entrance) 2609
Treasure Chest Shop 2604,2613
Treausre Chest Shop (counter) 2605,2614
Clock Tower (w/ skull kid, silent) 260E
Stone Tower Temple (endless fall) 2610
Romani Ranch 6214
Zora Shop 9214
Snowhead (Path to temple, warp in) B214
East Clock Down D214
crashes game 2-7,9,C,D,F,11-14,16,18,19,1E,20-23,25,27,

* = Beta?

Notes: There is one beta, other than default star entry to southern swamp. It is 0E02, which is in Kafei's house (beyond laundry pool door). There is a mask that actually is a viewing camera thing!!! But you can't activate this normally, I am fairly sure.
21Press L to levitate & let go to land.
22You may need to roll to get enough momentum to climb a slope. This also allows Kafei to bypass the barrier between rooms in the cave.
23This lets you warp to any statue in the game using the Song of Soaring, and may let you save while you're stuck as a Deku Scrub.
24Sample actor addresses (they work without activators alright, but might cause problems depending on the area):

xxxx = group
YYYY = actor
ZZZZ = variable

You can find the addresses for any actor you wish by going to the appropriate room data(see pointers below) and looking at the list of groups and actors in it. The "true" start of the room files is the word 0x16000000. Offset 0x31 from this is the number of actors in the room, offset 0x37 is the offset value to the first actor data. Group data(a list of halfwords) ends directly before the first actor data, so it's easy to find.
You should always try and replace the group of the actor you're changing, changing other actor's groups may cause problems. Group 0001 is ALWAYS loaded, so if an actor belongs to this group you don't have to bother with changing any group numbers.

Room data pointers:
OoT E1.0: 801D81A8
OoT E1.1: 801D81E8
OoT U1.0: 801DA168
OoT U1.1: 801DA328
OoT U1.2: 801DAA28
MM E : 803F66AC
MM U : 803FF234
MM J : 803FF3BC

Actor data follows this format:
YYYY = Actor Number
aaaa = X Coordinate
aaaa = Y Coordinate
aaaa = Z Coordinate
aaaa = X rotation
aaaa = Y rotation
aaaa = Z rotation
ZZZZ = Variable
In the sample addresses above I've not supplied the rotation or coord addresses, as you don't need to change these usually.

And the values:
Some actors that don't load (?) may have the wrong group number, more often though they don't have the correct variable or are prevented loading by some other factors(such as which actor they are replacing). Actor numbers not listed may be able to be loaded, or may have been removed.

ZZZZ - If no value then assume 0000

Majora's Mask:
0001 : 0001 = ?
0002 : 0001 = ?
0003 : 0001 = ?
0004 : 0001 = Orange flame
0005 = Basic door
0006 : 000C = Treasure chest
0007 : 0128 = ?
0008 : 0005 = ?
0009 : 0001 = Bomb
000A : 0009 = Wallmaster
000B : 000A = Dodongo
000C : 000B = Fire Keese
000D : 0001 = ?
000E = collectables
000F : 0001 = Small flame, fades away
0010 : 0001 = Tatl
0011 : 000F = Cucco
0012 : 0012 = Red tektite

0014 : 0014 = Peahat
0015 : 0002 = ?
0016 : 0001 = Bug
0017 : 0001 = Fish
0018 : 0001 = Black square, disappears
0019 : 0017 = Dinofols
001A : 005F = Wooden post with red clth
001B : 0019 = Blue lockon spot
001C : 0001 = ?
001D : 000E = Bubble enemy UNUSED?
001E : 0001 = Studded lifting door

0020 : 0001 = Boomerang/fin
0021 : 0001 = Link song statue
0022 : 00BC = ?

0024 : 0020 = Skulltula

0027 : 0001 = ?
0028 : 0001 = Water noises?

002A : 0001 = ?
002A : 0001 = ?

002D : 001D = Death Armos

002F : 002A = Bombflower bomb

0032 : 0030 = Armos
0033 : 0031 = Deku Baba
0034 : 0001 = ?
0035 : 0001 = ?
0036 : 0001 = ?

0038 : 003E = Blue warp
0039 : 0080 = Golden torch stand
003A : 0096 = Heart container
003B : 0040 = Mad scrub
003C : 0051 = Red Bubble
003D : 0001 = ?
003E : 0051 = Blue bubble
003F : 017E = Fountain water

0041 : 0061 = Tree

0043 : 0052 = Bat monster Gomess
0044 : 0052 = ?

0047 : 006A = Beamos
0048 : 0001 = ?Crash?
0049 : 0001 = Floating mori sparklies
004A : 0009 = Floormaster

004C : 0075 = ReDead
004D : 005C = Lrg jiggly stone elevator

004F : 0001 = ?
0050 : 0020 = Skullwalltula
0051 : 0001 = ?

0054 : 007D = Epona
0055 : 0002 = ?Crash

005B : 0001 = ?
005C : 000C = ?

005F : 0280 = Majora's Mask balloon
0060 : 0070 = ?
0061 : 0088 = Twisting corridor
0062 : 0087 = ?

0064 : 008E = Shell Blade
0065 : 0128 = Frog thing miniboss?
0066 : 0031 = Deku Baba (withered)
0067 : 0099 = Orange Gorman Bro walking

0069 : 00A2 = Ruto Zora
006A : 0001 = Bombchu (active)
006B : 0191 = ?
006C : 00AB = Like Like

0073 : 0001 = ?

007A : 0003 = ?
007B : 0001 = ?
007C : 0001 = ?
007D : 0001 = ?
007E : 0001 = ?
007F : 0001 = ?
0080 : 0001 = Crash
0081 : 0001 = ?
0082 : 0001 = ?

0089 : 0153 = ?
008A : 0134 = Deku palace scrub
008B : 0001 = Tatl info spot(auto)
008C : 0003 = ?
008D : 0003 = Crash
008E : 0001 = Little sparkle
008F : 00E4 = Freezard
0090 : 0001 = ?
0091 : 00EE = ?
0092 : 012A = Boulder
0093 : 0003 = ?

0095 : 00ED = Collapsing stone platform
0096 : 00EC = Blue hookshot statue
0097 : 0001 = ?

0099 : 00EF = Rolling boulder BETA?

009C : 00F1 = Man in red and blue
009D : 00F2 = ?
009E : 0001 = Lock-on-able spot
009F : 00E6 = ?
00A0 : 0001 = ?
00A1 : 0001 = Link casts weird shadow
00A2 : 0001 = Explosion

00A4 : 0248 = ?
00A5 : 00F4 = Magic bean seller
00A6 : 00F5 = Cucco guy
00A7 : 017F = Swamp tour boat
00A8 : 00FC = Square signpost

00AA : 000F = Angry cucco

00AE : 00FE = Mad professor
00AF : 00FD = Owl
00B0 : 0001 = ?
00B1 : 01BA = ? Flower
00B2 : 00F7 = Sun emblem
00B3 : 0001 = ?

00b5 : 0140 = ?

00B8 : 0106 = Whirlpool effect
00B9 : 0001 = ?

00BC : 0001 = ?
00BD : 00C2 = Kakariko roof guy

00BF : 0271 = Majora masked child

00C4 : 0001 = Rain and lightning
00C5 : 0115 = Press start logo
00C6 : 0001 = ?
00C7 : 005C = Lrg floating stone pltfm

00CA : 011D = Tatl turns blue spot
00CB : 0001 = ?
00CC : 0001 = Sun's song effect

00CE : 0001 = Treasure chest

00D0 : 0001 = ?

00D3 : 0001 = On screen timer
00D4 : 0127 = Mask of Truth Skulltula

00D6 : 0001 = Purple song effect
00D7 : 0001 = Song of storms effect
00D8 : 0001 = ?
00D9 : 0128 = ?
00DA : 0001 = Fired Deku Nut

00DF : 0001 = Epona's song effect
00E0 : 0001 = Saria's song effect

00E2 : 0132 = Dog
00E3 : 0020 = Gold Skulltula spirit
00E4 : 01B9 = Beehive
00E5 : 0133 = Wooden crate

00E7 : 0001 = Blue Navi lock-on spot
00E8 : 0001 = Stack of rupees
00E9 : 0140 = Honey & Darling

00EC : 0141 = Wolfos
00ED : 0142 = Stalchild

00EF : 0143 = Gossip stone
00F0 : 0001 = Water noises
00F1 : 0006 = Guay

00F3 : 0146 = Cow

00F6 : 0001 = Blue song effect

00F8 : 00D0 = Walking Zora
00F9 : 0001 = ?
00FA : 0130 = Walking Gerudo

00FC : 0002 = Invisible round thing
00FD : 0192 = Crash
00FE : 0001 = Postman's letter

0100 : 0001 = Go down dungn stair demo

0102 : 0001 = ?
0103 : 0064 = ?

0105 : 0030 = Armos statue
0106 : 014F = Green jiggly thing BETA?

0109 : 014E = Dragonfly

010B : 0002 = ?
010C : 0002 = ?
010D : 0002 = Random blue polygons

0110 : 0153 = Proximity firewall
0111 : 0001 = ?
0112 : 023B = ?
0113 : 0155 = Garo
0114 : 00ED = Collapsing stone bridge
0115 : 0156 = Windows & skeletons
0116 : 0001 = Tatl green spot
0117 : 00D7 = Mamamu Yan(Dog lady)
0118 : 0001 = Lockable blue spot
0119 : 0024 = Lockable blue spot
011A : 0001 = Lockable blue spot
011B : 0001 = ?
011C : 0110 = ?
011D : 01AC = Big ugly chap

011F : 0157 = Stalagtite
0120 : 0006 = ?
0121 : 0001 = Lockable blue spot
0122 : 0001 = ?
0123 : 0001 = ?
0124 : 00DE = ?
0125 : 0158 = ?

0128 : 0001 = ?
0129 : 015A = Odolwa
012A : 015B = Twinmold
012B : 015C = Gyorg
012C : 015D = Eyeball miniboss
012D : 015E = Bio Deku Baba
012E : 0156 = ?
012F : 0160 = ?
0130 : 0008 = ?

0132 : 0001 = Lockable blue spot

0138 : 00A1 = ?

013A : 0161 = Man eating plant
013B : 0162 = ?
013C : 0163 = Stone platform
013D : 0164 = Deku temple wooden flwr
013E : 0165 = Potted grass
013F : 0166 = ?
0140 : 01CC = Odolwa's remains
0141 : 0141 = ?
0142 : 0003 = ?
0143 : 0167 = Ice arrow ice block
0144 : 01A6 = ?
0145 : 0040 = ?
0146 : 0001 = Tatl info spot(auto)
0147 : 00BC = Yellow frog
0148 : 0169 = ?
0149 : 0192 = Crash
014A : 016A = Blue Chuchu
014B : 016B = Desbreko(skeleton fish)
014C : 016D = Part of Clocktower?
014D : 016D = 2D chimney with smoke
014E : 016C = Large bell
014F : 0005 = ?

0151 : 016D = 2d wooden wall
0152 : 014B = Princess Zelda
0153 : 0001 = Broken Great Fairy
0154 : 019F = ?
0155 : 0171 = Nejiron(Explosive, round)
0156 : 0166 = Kaiten spikey log
0157 : 016D = Smoke
0158 : 0001 = ?
0159 : 0030 = ?
015A : 0001 = ?
015B : 0172 = Bad bat
015C : 0001 = ?
015D : 0178 = ?
015E : 0178 = Stone platform
015F : 0178 = Fancy explosion
0160 : 0001 = Camera focuses on you
0161 : 026C = ?
0162 : 0001 = Flame circle
0163 : 0179 = ?
0164 : 017A = Black Boe
0165 : 0001 = ?

0167 : 0189 = ?
0168 : 0224 = Speaking spot(boat tour)
0169 : 0001 = ?
016A : 018B = Deku King

016C : 017E = Wrought iron fence
016D : 012A = Large boulder w spike BETA?
016E : 000B = Enemy lockon spot
016F : 0181 = Real Bombchu
0170 : 0182 = Dripping water
0171 : 0002 = Grass bits
0172 : 0153 = Proximity firewall

0174 : 0184 = ?
0175 : 0008 = Floating beam of light
0176 : 0185 = Standing Tingle
0177 : 00E3 = Banker
0178 : 0186 = Mounted telescope
0179 : 0187 = Moving ice platform
017A : 0135 = Deku guard
017B : 0001 = 3 bugs
017C : 0001 = ?
017D : 0107 = Postman
017E : 018A = Deku door
017F : 01F3 = ?
0180 : 016B = ?
0181 : 016B = Skeleton fish
0182 : 0155 = Makes you walk away
0183 : 0001 = Deku flower
0184 : 018D = Laser eyed monster
0185 : 00BB = Spiked bomb trap
0186 : 0001 = ?
0187 : 018E = ?
0188 : 018F = Kotake

018B : 0001 = ?
018C : 0001 = Night/day change?
018D : 0198 = ?
018E : 018D = Flying rubble
018F : 0190 = ?
0190 : 0169 = Big square of grass
0191 : 0192 = Skullkid
0192 : 01C8 = ?
0193 : 01A2 = Poisen water?
0194 : 01BE = ?
0195 : 01A3 = ?
0196 : 0001 = Tatl stays here
0197 : 0213 = ?
0198 : 01E6 = Mtn village snow overlay
0199 : 0212 = ?
019A : 0229 = ?
019B : 01EB = ?
019C : 018C = Clock

019E : 0195 = ?
019F : 018D = Stone block
01A0 : 0135 = Deku palace entrnc guard
01A1 : 0190 = Cracked stone wall
01A2 : 0197 = Clocktower doors
01A3 : 0190 = Patterned stone
01A4 : 00B7 = Romani
01A5 : 0199 = ?
01A6 : 019B = ?
01A7 : 0001 = ?
01A8 : 019E = ?
01A9 : 01E7 = Ice arrow ice platform
01AA : 0163 = Triforce stone
01AB : 0001 = ?
01AC : 019F = Round wooden door
01AD : 019F = ?
01AE : 01A0 = Honey&Darling's platform
01AF : 0001 = Poured out water
01B0 : 0001 = Great fairy part
01B1 : 000E = Dai Fairy part in bubble

01B3 : 01A1 = ?
01B4 : 01A1 = ?
01B5 : 01A3 = ?
01B6 : 0088 = Kaiten large wooden cog
01B7 : 018F = Witch on broom?
01B8 : 01A4 = Wooden wall?
01B9 : 01A5 = Lily pad
01BA : 01A6 = Snapper
01BB : 01B4 = ?
01BC : 01A0 = Circle of water
01BD : 01E5 = Deku salesman
01BE : 01A7 = Tunnel blocking foliage

01C0 : 01A8 = Invisible platform
01C1 : 0129 = Maze game girl
01C2 : 01A9 = Fisherman
01C3 : 01AA = Item shop fill in guy
01C4 : 01AB = Item shop guy
01C5 : 01AC = Tingle's father

01C7 : 01B6 = Blocking guard
01C8 : 01AD = Field stalagtite
01C9 : 01E5 = Deku game deku
01CA : 01AF = Dampe

01CC : 01B0 = ?
01CD : 0163 = Deku game platform
01CE : 0001 = Song of soaring effect
01CF : 01B3 = Sun block
01D0 : 0087 = ?
01D1 : 01B5 = Dexihand
01D2 : 0001 = Large rupee
01D3 : 0001 = ?
01D4 : 01B7 = Snowy tree
01D5 : 0107 = ?
01D6 : 0001 = 2D uta buttons
01D7 : 0001 = ?
01D8 : 0001 = ?
01D9 : 0001 = Piece of heart
01DA : 0075 = Gibdo
01DB : 01B8 = ?
01DC : 00EF = Large snowball
01DD : 01BB = Ghot
01DE : 0144 = Ghost arena person
01DF : 0001 = Invisible speaking spot
01E0 : 01BF = Dancing goron wall
01E1 : 0001 = ?
01E2 : 01C1 = Stone tower object?
01E3 : 01C2 = Gravestone
01E4 : 01C7 = Stone column

01E6 : 01C4 = Eeno
01E7 : 0001 = ?
01E8 : 01C5 = Purple poe
01E9 : 01C6 = Hiploop
01EA : 01BB = ?
01EB : 0001 = ?
01EC : 0001 = ?
01ED : 0001 = Hot air column
01EE : 0132 = Racing dog
01EF : 010F = Dojo master
01F0 : 01C9 = Stone door?
01F1 : 01D7 = Laboratory fish

01F3 : 01C3 = Poe
01F4 : 01CD = Spider's web?
01F5 : 01CE = Zora egg
01F6 : 01CF = Blacksmith
01F7 : 01D0 = Shadow
01F8 : 01D1 = Dojo practice log
01F9 : 00EF = Small snowball
01FA : 01D0 = ?
01FB : 01D2 = Darmani's gravestone
01FC : 01D4 = Deku Princess
01FD : 01D5 = Icy wind
01FE : 01D3 = Hot spring water
01FF : 01D6 = Blacksmith's assistant
0200 : 0001 = ?
0201 : 01DF = Goron baby
0202 : 00E2 = ?

0204 : 01EB = Giant bee
0205 : 01EC = ?
0206 : 01ED = Deep Python
0207 : 01EE = ?
0208 : 01F1 = Big Poe
0209 : 01EE = Cloth with japanese
020A : 01F2 = Little cow model's head
020B : 0001 = Secret spot revealer
020C : 01F4 = ?
020D : 01E0 = ?
020E : 01F5 = Cracked house wall
020F : 01F5 = Metal grate
0210 : 01F5 = Skullkid painting
0211 : 01F5 = Chest of drawers
0212 : 0142 = Grave guarding stalchldrn
0213 : 01F8 = Frozen Goron elder
0214 : 018E = ?
0215 : 01FC = ?
0216 : 0201 = Leever
0217 : 0202 = Chair
0218 : 0003 = ?
0219 : 0203 = Large ornate mirror
021A : 0203 = Rotating stone tower rm
021B : 0184 = Large seesaw
021C : 0184 = Falling water
021D : 0204 = Aggresive pirate
021E : 012E = Pirate guard
021F : 00B7 = ?
0220 : 00A7 = Cremia
0221 : 0205 = Lower part of town stand
0222 : 0184 = GB Temple elevator
0223 : 0170 = Owl statue
0224 : 0206 = ?
0225 : 0207 = Kaiten Deku flwr platfms
0226 : 01F8 = ?
0227 : 020C = Twinmold battle enviro
0228 : 00D0 = Zora
0229 : 020D = 3 branched tree
022A : 020E = Metal mesh elevator
022B : 020E = ?
022C : 020E = Pirate's patrol boat
022D : 0250 = Wooden barrel
022E : 023D = Invisible object
022F : 018E = Round target
0230 : 0087 = ?
0231 : 0211 = Zora guitarist
0232 : 0001 = ?
0233 : 0001 = ?
0234 : 023A = Indigo-go's manager
0235 : 0075 = Circle of Gibdos
0236 : 00DF = Old lady with bag
0237 : 00E3 = ?
0238 : 0216 = Zora drummer
0239 : 0263 = Lottery rotundah
023A : 00A1 = Frog mask goron
023B : 0001 = ?
023C : 0218 = Palm tree
023D : 0001 = ?
023E : 015D = ?
023F : 015C = ?
0240 : 021E = ?
0241 : 0220 = Zora pianist
0242 : 00A1 = Goron
0243 : 0004 = ?
0244 : 00E3 = ?
0245 : 005C = Large stone block
0246 : 0222 = Floor switch
0247 : 005D = Camera changes
0248 : 00FF = Music box man
0249 : 0001 = Green song effect
024A : 01B6 = Navi blue spot
024B : 0001 = White song effect
024C : 01E5 = ?
024D : 0006 = ?
024E : 0001 = Pink song effect
024F : 0229 = ?
0250 : 022A = Semi gibdo father
0251 : 022A = ?
0252 : 022B = Zora singer
0253 : 0007 = ?
0254 : 022C = Mysterious patterned blck
0255 : 0203 = Cracked wall
0256 : 0203 = ?
0257 : 0203 = Large metal door thing?
0258 : 01E0 = Cracked wall
0259 : 01E0 = Song learning gravestone
025A : 0001 = Large rupee
025B : 0237 = Ikana ghost cave overlay
025C : 0237 = Ikana waterwheel
025D : 0238 = ?
025E : 0239 = Hookshot tree
025F : 012B = Sleeping Deku scrub
0260 : 00D0 = Swimming Zora
0261 : 0001 = Checkable spot
0262 : 000D = ?
0262 : 000D = ?
0263 : 0013 = ?
0264 : 00E3 = Sakon's bag?
0265 : 0001 = ?
0266 : 0006 = Circling Guay
0267 : 023F = Seagull
0268 : 015B = ?
0269 : 0240 = Yellow lock-on spot
026A : 00F1 = Man with pickaxe
026B : 00F0 = ?
026C : 0247 = ?
026D : 01B6 = ?
026E : 01B6 = Guard
026F : 0241 = Mayor in chair, debating
0270 : 0243 = Bell on stick with sign
0271 : 0244 = ?
0272 : 0246 = ?
0273 : 0203 = Round stone platform
0274 : 01E5 = Deku salesman
0275 : 01BE = ?
0276 : 01D5 = ?
0277 : 00A1 = ?
0278 : 0249 = ?
0279 : 0001 = ?
027A : 024A = ?
027B : 024B = Dancer
027C : 0001 = ?
027D : 024F = Tatl blue spot
027E : 0110 = Bomber's leader
027F : 0110 = ?
0280 : 0110 = Bomber
0281 : 0110 = Password bomber
0282 : 0280 = Not solid majora balloon
0283 : 01B1 = Moon's tear
0284 : 0001 = ?
0285 : 0236 = ?
0286 : 0255 = ?
0287 : 0256 = Gorman Bros' sheds
0288 : 0257 = Barn roof overlay
0289 : 025B = Deku butler's son
028A : 0260 = Large metal portcullis
028B : 0261 = Romani milk jar
028C : 0264 = ?
028D : 0267 = Cracked wall
028E : 0236 = Hot checkered floor
028F : 0268 = Giant stalfos
0290 : 0129 = Mayor's receptionist
0291 : 0022 = Takkuri
0292 : 01A9 = Jumping game fisherman
0293 : 0080 = Golden torch stand
0294 : 026E = Lightcasting window
0295 : 026F = ?
0296 : 0270 = ?
0297 : 027F = Hookshot pillar
0298 : 0234 = Cracked wall
0299 : 0015 = Anju in wedding dress
029A : 0001 = ?
029B : 0273 = Stone platform
029C : 0269 = ?

029E : 00E2 = Tatl blue spot
029F : 0007 = Fat inn woman
02A0 : 0004 = Grandmother
02A1 : 0018 = ?
02A2 : 0241 = Mayor & chair
02A3 : 0185 = Tingle
02A4 : 0185 = Confetti spawner
02A5 : 0142 = Sitting stalchild
02A6 : 0001 = Hole in the wall check
02A7 : 027A = Flying bird
02A8 : 0247 = Ceremonial guard
02A9 : 00F0 = Carpenter boss
02AA : 01B6 = 'Stone mask guard'
02AB : 00F1 = Man in blue and red
02AC : 0001 = ?
02AD : 00E2 = Lockable blue spot
02AE : 0001 = ?
02AF : 0001 = Invisible rupee
02B0 : 0281 = Endgame stuff
0000 = Carved stump
0001 = Twin spotlight beams
02B1 : 012C = Bomb shop man

Dark Serge, Codeman & Deaper, Dark Serge, Code Master & Ryan Toluchanian1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26
Alan 00X28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49
legend 00750
Ass Wigit and ShinAkuma51
Ugetab52, 53, 54
Cendamos & JaytheHam55