
WWF No Mercy

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1No Pause Button8015A9F5 0001
2Clock At 00:008115AB1E 0000
810A99F2 0000
3No Countout8016CAB7 0009
8016CA9B 0015
4Auto-Countout8016CA9B 0000
5Invisible Countout8016CA9B 0015
6No Pin P1-P45000040C 0000
8016CE17 0004
7Auto-Pin P1-P45000040C 0000
8016CE17 0003
8Can't Pin P18016CE23 0004
9Can't Pin P28016CE17 0004
10Can't Pin P38016CE2F 0004
11Can't Pin P48016CE3B 0004
12Auto-Pin P18016CE23 0003
13Auto-Pin P28016CE17 0003
14Auto-Pin P38016CE2F 0003
15Auto-Pin P48016CE3B 0003
16Royal Rumble Timer Modifier8015A787 00??
17P1 Number Of Wins Modifier (Iron Man)8015A73B 00??
18P2 Number Of Wins Modifier (Iron Man)8015A73F 00??
19P3 Number Of Wins Modifier (Iron Man)8015A743 00??
20Character Selected Modifier - P1801079B2 00??
21Character Selected Modifier - P2801079B6 00??
22Character Selected Modifier - P3801079BA 00??
23Character Selected Modifier - P4801079BE 00??
24Character Modifier - P11810AAAD0 ????
25Character Modifier - P2810AAADC ????
26Character Modifier - P3810AAAE8 ????
27Character Modifier - P4810AAAF4 ????
28Costume Modifier - P1800AAAD2 00??
29Costume Modifier - P2800AAADE 00??
30Costume Modifier - P3800AAAEA 00??
31Costume Modifier - P4800AAAF6 00??
32Health Damage/Increase Multiplier (All Players)2D015A5D1 0015
8111E2C0 0810
D015A5D1 0015
8111E2C2 0040
D015A5D1 0015
8111E2C4 8603
D015A5D1 0015
8111E2C6 00AC
D215A5D1 0015
8111E2C0 8603
D215A5D1 0015
8111E2C2 00AC
D215A5D1 0015
8111E2C4 0053
D215A5D1 0015
8111E2C6 1021
81400100 1E60
81400102 0007
81400104 3A73
81400106 FFFF
81400108 2673
8140010A 0001
8140010C ????
8140010E ????
81400110 3A73
81400112 FFFF
81400114 2673
81400116 0001
81400118 0804
8140011A 78B2
8140011C 0053
8140011E 1021
81400120 ????
81400122 ????
81400124 0804
81400126 78B2
81400128 0053
8140012A 1021
33Max Health Damage Modifier (All Players) [Default Is 0001]3811137BA ????
34Universal Player 1 Ultra Code4D015A5D1 0015
81005BA0 0810
D015A5D1 0015
81005BA2 0000
D015A5D1 0015
81005BA4 3C02
D015A5D1 0015
81005BA6 8016
D215A5D1 0015
81005BA0 3C02
D215A5D1 0015
81005BA2 8006
D215A5D1 0015
81005BA4 0046
D215A5D1 0015
81005BA6 1021
81400000 2442
81400002 AEB0
81400004 3416
81400006 0000
81400008 9057
8140000A 00E9
8140000C 32F7
8140000E 000F
81400010 56D7
81400012 FFFD
81400014 2442
81400016 0358
81400018 2417
8140001A 0004
8140001C A057
8140001E 00EE
81400020 2417
81400022 0064
81400024 A457
81400026 00AE
81400028 A457
8140002A 00AC
8140002C A457
8140002E 00AA
81400030 2417
81400032 4248
81400034 A457
81400036 02C4
81400038 A457
8140003A 02C8
8140003C A457
8140003E 02CC
81400040 A457
81400042 02D0
81400044 A457
81400046 02D4
81400048 0000
8140004A 1025
8140004C 3C02
8140004E 8006
81400050 0800
81400052 16EA
81400054 0046
81400056 1021
35Universal Human Player(s) Ultra CodeD111E8A0 9482
8111E8A0 0810
D111E8A2 00AE
8111E8A2 0000
D111E8A4 A4A2
8111E8A4 2400
81400000 8082
81400002 00E9
81400004 3042
81400006 000F
81400008 1440
8140000A 000C
8140000C 2402
8140000E 0004
81400010 A082
81400012 00EE
81400014 2402
81400016 0064
81400018 A482
8140001A 00AA
8140001C A482
8140001E 00AC
81400020 A482
81400022 00AE
81400024 3C02
81400026 4348
81400028 AC82
8140002A 02C4
8140002C AC82
8140002E 02C8
81400030 AC82
81400032 02CC
81400034 AC82
81400036 02D0
81400038 AC82
8140003A 02D4
8140003C 9482
8140003E 00AE
81400040 0804
81400042 7A2A
81400044 A4A2
81000046 0000
36Spirit Meter Change Rate Multiplier (All Players)5D1064880 0030
8111E5B4 0800
D1064880 0030
8111E5B6 0024
D1064880 0030
8111E5B8 9482
D1064880 0030
8111E5BA 00AE
D1064880 1000
8111E5B4 0800
D1064880 1000
8111E5B6 0024
D1064880 1000
8111E5B8 9482
D1064880 1000
8111E5BA 00AE
81000090 1CA0
81000092 0007
81000094 38A5
81000096 FFFF
81000098 24A5
8100009A 0001
8100009C ????
8100009E ????
810000A0 38A5
810000A2 FFFF
810000A4 24A5
810000A6 0001
810000A8 0804
810000AA 796F
810000AC 0045
810000AE 1021
810000B0 ????
810000B2 ????
810000B4 0804
810000B6 796F
810000B8 0045
810000BA 1021
37Easy Submissions (All Players)6D1064880 0030
8111E20C 2400
D1064880 1000
8111E20C 4500
38Easy Submissions (All Players) + Player 1 (Universal Player 1) Takes Normal Submission Damage7D1064880 0030
8111E204 909B
D1064880 0030
8111E206 00E9
D1064880 0030
8111E208 337B
D1064880 0030
8111E20A 000F
D1064880 0030
8111E20C 1360
D1064880 1000
8111E204 0000
D1064880 1000
8111E206 0000
D1064880 1000
8111E208 0000
D1064880 1000
8111E20A 0000
D1064880 1000
8111E20C 4500
39Minumun Max Health Modifier8811137D2 ????
811137DA ????
40Default Health & Max Health Modifier - Royal Rumble/Survivor Mode (Default Is 00FF)811164AE ????
41Wrestlers Stay Down 3x As Long810E9558 0800
810E955A 0015
810E955C 9603
810E955E 0094
81000054 0002
81000056 1080
81000058 0803
8100005A A558
8100005C A602
8100005E 00B4
42Tough Man Match9810AAAAE 0100
D015A5D1 0015
810EDF54 0810
D015A5D1 0015
810EDF56 0000
D215A5D1 0015
810EDF54 84A3
D215A5D1 0015
810EDF56 009E
811193FC 2402
811193FE 0064
81119404 0000
81119406 0000
D115A73A 0064
8015AF44 0001
D115A73E 0064
8015B29C 0001
81400000 0000
81400002 B821
81400004 0000
81400006 D821
81400008 3C17
8140000A 800A
8140000C 26F7
8140000E 1328
81400010 3C1B
81400012 8016
81400014 277B
81400016 A73A
81400018 96F6
8140001A 0000
8140001C A776
8140001E 0000
81400020 96F6
81400022 000A
81400024 A776
81400026 0004
81400028 0803
8140002A B7D7
8140002C 84A3
8140002E 009E
43Royal Rumble Timer Starting Value Modifier108113A3B0 0800
8113A3B2 0018
8113A3B4 AC85
8113A3B6 0000
81000060 2406
81000062 ????
81000064 0804
81000066 E8EE
81000068 AC86
8100006A 0004
44True "Always Special" P1D015A5D1 0015
8015AF9E 0004
D015A5D1 0015
8115AF60 01FF
45True "Always Special" P2D015A5D1 0015
8015B2F6 0004
D015A5D1 0015
8115B2B8 01FF
46True "Always Special" P3D015A5D1 0015
8015B64E 0004
D015A5D1 0015
8115B610 01FF
47True "Always Special" P4D015A5D1 0015
8015B9A6 0004
D015A5D1 0015
8015B968 0064
48Special Timer Speed Modifier (Default FFFF)118111E762 ????
49Stop Special Timer (Specials Never Run Out)128111E764 2400
Default Player Stats Modifiers (The Values Written At The Start Of Every Match)
50Starting Spirit Modifier (Default is 0032)8111632E ????
51Starting Health Modifier (Default is 00FF)811163E8 3402
811163EA ????
52Starting Max Health Modifier (Default is 00FF)811163D8 3402
811163DA ????
53Starting Special Modifier (Default is 00. Use 04 For All Players To Start With Special)81116394 341B
81116396 ??00
81116398 A61B
8111639A 00EE
Survival Mode Stats Modifiers
54Pins800A52FC 00??
55Submissions800A52FD 00??
56TKO800A52FE 00??
57Lose800A52FF 00??
58Number People Eliminated800A5306 00??
59Amount Of Money You Get80159661 00??
81159662 ????
Royal Rumble - Team Battle Settings
60P1802B8EDC 00??
61P2802B8F64 00??
62P3802B8FFC 00??
63P4802B9074 00??
64Left802B90FC 00??
Match Options Modifiers (Yes, They Work Even When You're Not Supposed To Mess With The Options. e.g. Survival Mode)
65Time Limit800931D9 00??
66Count Out800931DA 00??
67Pin800931DB 00??
68Submission800931DC 00??
69TKO800931DD 00??
70Rope Break800931DE 00??
71DQ800931DF 00??
72Bloodshed800931E0 00??
73Interference800931E1 00??
74Tag Help Time800931E2 00??
75Time Count800931E3 00??
CAW Move Modifiers Slot 1
76Back Strong A802EA8E0 00??
77Back Strong Direction A802EA8E1 000?
802EA8E2 00?0
78Back Strong B802EA8E3 00??
79Back Strong Direction B802EA8E4 000?
802EA8E5 00?0

10001 - Rock
0002 - SCSA
0003 - Undertaker
0004 - Kane
0005 - Richards
0006 - Mankind
0007 - Cactus
0008 - Mick
0009 - HBK
0101 - HHH
0102 - X-Pac
0103 - Mr. Ass
0104 - Road Dogg
0201 - Benoit
0202 - Malenko
0203 - Saturn
0204 - Guerrero
0301 - Jericho
0302 - Angle
0303 - Tazz
0304 - Test
0305 - GodFather
0306 - D`Lo
0307 - Venis
0308 - Shamrock
0401 - Rikishi
0402 - Sexay
0403 - Scotty
0404 - Edge
0405 - Christian
0406 - Matt
0407 - Jeff
0501 - Faarooq
0502 - Bradshaw
0503 - D-Von
0504 - Buh Buh
0505 - Hardcore
0506 - Crash
0507 - Bossman
0508 - Albert
0601 - Al
0602 - Blackman
0603 - Bulldog
0604 - Henry
0605 - Viscera
0606 - Andre
0607 - Buchanan
0608 - Rios
0609 - Taka
0701 - Chyna
0702 - Stephanie
0703 - Tori
0704 - Debra
0705 - Trish
0706 - Lita
0801 - Jacqueline
0802 - Linda
0803 - Kat
0804 - Moola
0805 - Ho
0901 - Vince
0902 - Shane
0903 - Hebner
0904 - Jim Ross
0A01 -> 0A12 = CAW 1 -> 18
2The first two lines of ???? are for when something is being subtracted from any player's health. The second set is for when any player's health is increasing. It's nice to know that so you can mix and match them. hehe :)

00139840 - 2X
00139843 - 1/2
00139880 - 4X
00139883 - 1/4
00029821 - Max
3As you may have noticed, max health decreases just a little bit everytime you're hit. This changes that. If you don't want anybody to have they're max health lowered (might make the gam e harder) then set to 0. :)
4What I mean by "Universal" is this doesn't just apply to the first damn wrestler slot like the other P1 codes do. This gives the affect no matter what slot Player 1 (YOU!) is in, so when you're in a tage match and tag in your other guy he'll be givin the super stats as long as you're controlling him and if you get thrown into a handicap match in championship mode, you won't have to worry about one of you oppenents being invincible if it throws you into the P3 slot like it normally does instead of keeping you in the P1 slot like it should. :)
This gives Player 1 Max Spirit, Special, Infinite Health/Max Health, and Infinite Submission Stats.
5Press L + R to turn on and Start to turn off. ONLY TURN ON DURING MATCHES! If you screw around scrolling up and down the main menu too much the game will crash; you'll know what I mean when it happens. The first two lines of ???? are for when something is being subtracted from any player's spirit meter. The second set is for when any player's spirit meter is increasing. It's nice to know that so you can mix and match them. hehe :)

00052840 - 2x
00052843 - 1/2
00052880 - 4x
00052883 - 1/4x
000528C0 - 8x
00022821 - Max
6Press L + R to turn on and Start to turn off. ONLY TURN ON DURING MATCHES! If you screw around scrolling up and down the main menu too much the game will crash; you'll know what I mean when it happens. This makes it so all players submit easily.
7Press L + R to turn on and Start to turn off. ONLY TURN ON DURING MATCHES! If you screw around scrolling up and down the main menu too much the game will crash; you'll know what I mean when it happens. This makes it so all players submit easily EXCEPT player 1. ;-)
8As you may know, you can regain health over time, but you can't regain more than your max health that goes down as you take damage and never regains. You minimum max health is usually kept at at least 40 though. If you want it to be kept higher just set the first code to 1 above your desired max and set the 2nd code to the desired max. Basicly, the game checks to see if your max health is below the value of the first code, and if it is, it sets it to the value of the second, so you can mix and match values for interesting effects.
9Tough Man Match: Set the rules as you wish, but I recommend turning off Pin/Submission and having TKO on. The fall/win counters that you normally see in an Iron Man match have been changed via ASM to display the number of times each player has hit someone. The match ends when one player hits the other 100 times or when a normal win occurs. This is why I said to only have TKO on. If I recall, this is fairly close to the way the WWF did it. I'll point out a few addresses that you can change to effect the match in various ways.

810AAAAE 0100 - match type. It needs to be Iron Man for the counters to be on-screen and such, but you can add the cage by changing to 0110. hehe
D015A5D1 0015
810EDF54 0810
D015A5D1 0015
810EDF56 0000
D215A5D1 0015
810EDF54 84A3
D215A5D1 0015
810EDF56 009E
811193FC 2402
811193FE 0064 - the value of this address is written to either players hit counter when they score a win (usually TKO). Keep it consistant with the number of hits you want to win the match.
81119404 0000
81119406 0000
D115A73A 0064 - number of hits for P1 to win. You might've noticed the on-screen counter can only count to 99, but it still counts higher off-screen.
8015AF44 0001
D115A73E 0064 - number of hits for P2 to win
8015B29C 0001
81400000 0000
81400002 B821
81400004 0000
81400006 D821
81400008 3C17
8140000A 800A
8140000C 26F7
8140000E 1328
81400010 3C1B
81400012 8016
81400014 277B
81400016 A73A
81400018 96F6
8140001A 0000
8140001C A776
8140001E 0000
81400020 96F6
81400022 000A
81400024 A776
81400026 0004
81400028 0803
8140002A B7D7
8140002C 84A3
8140002E 009E

Other Notes:

1. You can use this in King of The Ring to have your own Tough Man Competition like the WWF did a while back.
2. 2 Players only
3. The only bug with this code is that the background on the player select screen looks screwy. There aren't any graphical glitches during the match.
10Defaukt is 0000. FFF0 will give you about an extra 15 seconds.
11The "Special Timer" is the invisible timer that determines how long your special lasts.... and possibly Losing It, etc. May need to use D111E762 FFFF as an activator.
12May need to use D111E764 A482 as an activator.

Some Stupid Idiot1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 58
Viper18716, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 71, 72, 73, 75
Goldenboy70, 74
Lil_Dawg_202076, 77, 78, 79