
WCW/NWO Revenge

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Anorexic Wrestling900706C4 003E
2Spots/ZigZag Lines On Wrestler9003AE5B 00B0
3Black & White Wrestlers9003AD58 00E5
4Rainbow colored Polygonal Wrestlers9003AD58 6BCB
5Faceless Polygonal Wrestlers (May Freeze)9003AE59 19DF
6Wrestlers Have A Lame Right Arm8003080D 0001
7All Wrestlers Are Black80030860 0000
8Wrestler's Heads Are On The Ground80030800 0000
9Static Polygon Wrestlers9007FCBF 000F
10Call For Interference P1D006E17C 0020
900FADD1 00D0
11Call for Interference P2D006E188 0020
900FADD1 00E0
12No Interference1900FADD1 00C0
13Quit Match And Win9107E84A FFFF
14Transparent Screen Flicker29007FC7C FFFF
15Morphed Background & Wrestlers9007FCCD 000F
16Invisible Character Modifier3890F9D36 0240
890F9D60 42B4
8107E8B2 ????
17Ring Modifier48007FC10 00??
18Camera Height Modifier58007FC4A 00??
19Blackout Mode8007FC4A 000F
20Static Poloygon Wrestlers9007FCBF 000F
21Call For Interference P1D006E17C 0020
900FADD1 00D0
22Call For Interference P2D006E188 0020
900FADD1 00E0
23No Interference900FADD1 00C0
24Quit Match and Win9107E84A FFFF
25Transparent Screen Flicker9007FC7C-FFFF
26Morphed Background & Wrestlers9007FCCD 000F
27Glitchy Game6800F9B5B 0004
28No Wrestler Pictures80336269 0000
29Costume Modifier78007EF43 00??
30Championship Mode Modifier8800E8715 00??
31Mask Modifier98007DFB1 00??
32Costume Modifier8007DFBD 00??
Taunt/Action Modifiers
33P110810F9D19 00??
34P2810FA0C9 00??
35P3810FA479 00??
36P4810FA829 00??
Walk During Move Codes
37P111D006E17D 0002
800F9D1B 0001
38P2D006E189 0002
800FA0CB 0001
39P3D006E195 0002
800FA47B 0001
40P4D006E1A1 0002
800FA82B 0001
Move Modifiers
41Woman Move Modifier (The Trucker)1281039564 0905
80038A61 000?
42Eric Bischoff Move Modifier80038A49 00??
43Sonny Onoo Move Modifier80038A4B 00??
44Jimmy Hart Move Modifier80038A4D 00??
45Rick Rude Move Modifier80038A4F 00??
46Dusty Rhodes Move Modifier80038A51 00??
47Ted Debisas Move Modifier80038A53 00??
48James Bandenderg Move Modifier80038A55 00??
49Vincent Move Modifier80038A57 00??
50Elizabeth Move Modifier80038A59 00??
51Kimberly Move Modifier80038A5B 00??
52Jackreen Move Modifier80038A5D 00??
53Sister Sherri Move Modifier80038A5F 00??
Score Modifier Codes Player 1
54Striking13810EA222 ????
55Grapple810EA226 ????
56Reversal810EA22A ????
57Ground Attack810EA22E ????
58Flying Attack810EA232 ????
59Special Move810EA236 ????
60Life Bonus810EA23A ????
61Time Limit810EA23E ????
62Win Bonus810EA242 ????
63Finishing Move810EA246 ????
64Total Score810EA24A ????
Score Modifier Codes Player 2
65Striking810EA24E ????
66Grapple810EA252 ????
67Reversal810EA256 ????
68Ground ATK.810EA25A ????
69Flying ATK.810EA25E ????
70Special Move810EA262 ????
71Life Bonus810EA266 ????
72Time Limit810EA26A ????
73Win Bonus810EA26E ????
74Finishing Move810EA272 ????
75Total810EA276 ????
Score Modifier Codes Player 3
76Striking810EA27A ????
77Grapple810EA27E ????
78Reversal810EA282 ????
79Ground ATK.810EA286 ????
80Flying ATK.810EA28A ????
81Special Move810EA28E ????
82Life Bonus810EA292 ????
83Time Limit810EA296 ????
84Win Bonus810EA29A ????
85Finishing Move810EA29A ????
86Total810EA2A2 ????
Score Modifier Codes Player 4
87Striking810EA2A6 ????
88Grapple810EA2AA ????
89Reversal810EA2AE ????
90Ground ATK.810EA2B2 ????
91Flying ATK.810EA2B6 ????
92Special Move810EA2BA ????
93Life Bonus810EA2BE ????
94Time Limit810EA2C2 ????
95Win Bonus810EA2C6 ????
96Finishing Move810EA2CA ????
97Total810EA2CE ????

1For the Call Interference codes press the Z trigger button to call for help. Codes for P1 and P2 will not work if Interference Option is turned off or if you have managers in your corners.
2The screen flicker code causes the screen to flicker very quick and bright. This code can cause dizziness use at your own risk.
3Cut the replay off at the beginning of the game if you want to remain invisible!

A001 - Sting
A002 - Giant
A003 - Lex Luger
A004 - DDP
A005 - Rick Steiner
A007 - Piper
A008 - Hart
A009 - Benoit
A00A - Goldberg
A00B - Booker T.
A00C - Disco
A00D - Fit Finley
A011 - Meng
A012 - Barbarian
A013 - Zybsko
A014 - Stevie Ray
A017 - Bull Dog
A019 - Nagata
A01A - Neidhart
A01B - Alex Wright
A01E - Hogan
A01F - Macho Man
A020 - Nash
A021 - Hall
A022 - Bagwell
A023 - BPP
A024 - Henning
A025 - Konnan
A028 - Norton
A029 - Brian Adams
A02B - Bishoff
A02C - Ultimo
A02D - Eddy Guerrera
A02E - Jericho
A02F - Rey
A030 - Juvi
A031 - Malenko
A032 - Chavo Jr.
A033 - La Parka
A035 - Psychosis
A038 - Glacier
A039 - Kanyon
A03A - Raven
A03B - Saturn
A03C - Kidman
A03D - Riggs
A03E - Van Hammer
A03F - Sick Boy
A040 - Lodi
A041 - Reese
400 - Monday Nitro
01 - Souled Out
02 - Superbrawl
03 - Bash at the Beach
04 - Halloween Havoc
05 - Starrcade
5Enter the quantity digits as 1-4.
6It makes a match have no sound, no time limit, no spirit bar, no pressing start, and you can only hear the crowd.

Use a character modifier. You can't use the belt in the ring.

00 - 1st Costume
01 - 2nd Costume
02 - 3rd Costume
03 - 4th Costume
04 - 1st Costume with Belt
05 - 2nd Costume with Belt
06 - 3rd Costume with Belt
07 - 4th Costume with Belt
00 - US
01 - Cruiserweight
02 - Tag Team
03 - TV
04 - World
9Some characters have secret masks, like Juvi. People with one mask will freeze.

I will only tell you what will happen when you press the analog stick, and not what that digit does to the R, B, A buttons, etc. There are many, many more. Experiment and enter any digit between (00-FF). Some may cause the game to freeze.

11 - DDP Taunt
13 - Pose Taunt
33 - Pose Taunt 2
10 - Flex Taunt
65 - Stevie Ray Taunt
59 - Buff Bagwell Taunt
55 - Hollywood Hogan Taunt
99 - Spider
44 - Clap
88 - Forearm Circle
01 - Fall
02 - Cheap Shot
03 - Receive Cheap Shot
6E - Slick Hair
CE - Climb Turnbuckle
11Press Left-C.
120003 - Anvil's Moves
0009 - Wrath's Moves
000C - L.Zybsko's Moves
13There is one small problem with these codes they need to be put on the Cheat Device button or an activator code otherwise the game will freeze at the point where the game says you won and it goes to the score screen. Okay now the way you do it is as soon as you see the score screen start to come up activate the code(s) and keep themm active untill the game is completely done adding the score and it will probably say you have a high score depending what digits you put in. Then you can let go of the button and enter your name.

Smokey Batch1
SuRgE2, 3, 4, 5
Kleeberg the Hacker6
Homer75767@aol.com7, 8
Mythz9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26
Crock (of shit)17, 18, 19, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53
Mythz & Crock (of shit)41
Viper66654, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97