

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Labyrinth1813ABA48 ????
2Merchant813AA398 ????
3Istanbul813ABAA8 ????
4Field of Fire813ABDC0 ????
5Hidden Volcano813AB7C8 ????
6Silo Surprise813ABBE8 ????
7Fostbite813AC3A0 ????
8Submarine813AC910 ????
9Flashpoint813A9998 ????
10MI-6813ACED8 ????
11Forest813AC278 ????
12Sky Rail813AA230 ????
13Air Raid813ACE50 ????
14Castle813ACFA0 ????
15P1 Weapon813AE120 ????
16P1 Weapon Zoom813AE23C ????
813AE240 ????
813AE244 ????
Single Player
17Bond's Weapon81395850 ????
18Bond's Zoom8139394C ????
81395950 ????
81395954 ????
19Bond813958E0 ????
20Receptionist813A52B8 ????
21Suit Guy813A43F0 ????
22Red Suit Lady813A4B34 ????
23Guard 1813A2E18 ????
24Guard 2813A3560 ????
25Civilian Lady813A3CA8 ????
26Briefcase Of Money2813A02E0 ????
27Flashbang Gun In Box813A6D60 ????
28Gun In Cabinet 181398D1C ????
29Gun In Cabinet 281398DE0 ????
30Gun In Cabinet 381398EA4 ????
31Gun In Cabinet 481398F68 ????
King's Ransom
32Guard 1813A0530 ????
33Guard 28139D850 ????
34Guard 38139FDE8 ????
35M813A2B74 ????
36Moneypenny813A23DC ????
37Blue Guy 1813A1FA8 ????
38Blue Guy 2813A7D34 ????
39Blue Guy 3813A74F4 ????
40IDA Physicist 1813A4DD0 ????
41IDA Physicist 2813A6554 ????
42Dr. Akikivich813A6DB0 ????
43Christmas J.813A44FC ????
City of Walkway l
44Bond Zoom Modifier813968BC ????
813968C0 ????
813968C4 ????
45Guard81399A18 ????
46Guard's Gun813007B8 ????
Fallen Angel
47Guard81392908 ????
48Explosive Barrel81390388 ????
49Explosive Container 1813902F0 ????
50Explosive Container 281390258 ????
Thames Chase Level
51Opening Cinema-Black Boat813A2C5C ????
52Opening Cinema-White Boat813A2CEC ????
53Box Of Spears Behind Building813965F4 ????
54Harbor Ship813A6370 ????
55Docked Ship 1813A5D28 ????
56Docked Ship 2813A5C48 ????
57Docked Ship 3813A5B68 ????
58Trolly On Bridge813A5E98 ????
59Trolly At End of Level813A611C ????
60Shutter Door 1813A690C ????
61Shutter Door 2813A6A28 ????
62Shutter Door 3 (in water)813A5C48 ????
63Shutter Door 4813A6C60 ????
Underound Uprising Level
64Balloon Cart813A03A0 ????
65Air Tanks on Balloon Cart813A0434 ????

13F80 - Normal [For All]
4080 - Large
3E80 - Small
2For small objects, such as Guns, Gadgets, ect; The normal value is 3C80, instead of 3F80 the big objects and human size modifiers

Goldenboy1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 33, 34, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65
Ass Wigit20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 32, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43