
Top Gear Overdrive

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Activator 1 P1D0077058 00??
2Activator 2 P1D0077059 00??
3Dual Activator P1D1077058 00??
4Extra Cars801022FB 000E
801022F1 000E
5Extra Tracks811022E8 0501
811022EA 0101
811022EC 0101
811022EE 0101
801022F0 0001
6Infinite Money810F50C5 270F
7Infinite Nitros P1810F50CE 0009
8Max Handling801022FF 0005
9Max Acceleration80102300 0005
10Max Top Speed80102301 0005
11FAKE Always Place 1st800E1BFF 0001
800F5112 0000
12Car Modifier P11800E97C5 00??
13Infinite Nitros P2800F52BB 0003
14Car Modifier P2800EE263 00??
15Level Modifier (Championship & Vs Mode)28011D0B0 000?
16Lap Modifier (All Modes)3801186A0 000?
Timer Codes
17Timer 00'00"00 Lap 1810F50F8 0000
810F50FA 0000
18Timer 00'00"00 Lap 2810F50FC 0000
810F50FE 0000
19Timer 00'00"00 Lap 3810F5100 0000
810F5102 0000
20Timer 00'00"00 Lap 4810F5104 0000
810F5106 0000
21Timer 00'00"00 Lap 5810F5108 0000
810F510A 0000

100 - Type BG
01 - Type EC
02 - Type YD
03 - Type CA
04 - Type BP
05 - Type HM
06 - Type PO
07 - Type FO
08 - Type JS
09 - Type MC
0A - Hot Dog
0B - Nintendo Power
0C - N64 Logo
0D - Taco
0E - Museum Exhibit
20 - Frigid Peaks - Snowy/Daytime
1 - Fertile Canyon - Day/Lightning
2 - Swampy Depot - Day/Rainbow
3 - Downtown - Clear/Rainbow
4 - Sandy Beaches - Day/Lightning
5 - Fertile Canyon - Night
6 - Swampy Depot - Clear (?)
7 - Space Truckin' (Hidden Stage)
3Important Note. A value of '0' makes it so that everyone (CPU-controlled players, human players P1 - P4) have to cross the finish line [NOT finish the race] to get their ranking.

CodeMaster1, 2, 3, 11, 12, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21
InterAct4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10
Crock (of shit)6
Rune a.k.a. Hitler13, 14, 15, 16