
New Tetris, The

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Activator #1D01101B2 00??
2Activator #2D01101B3 00??
316-Bit ActivatorD01101B2 ????
4Fake Score Won Modifier (After You Lose)8111EED6 ????
8111EEB6 ????
Miscellaneous Codes
5L + C-Down For Cheat Screen1D01101B3 0024
8103BFE0 0000
D01101B3 0024
8103BFE2 0000
6Turbo Mode (Single Player Mode)810CFF60 38D1
7Roman Stage - Line Modifiers2802A51A6 00??
802A56CE 00??
802A5BE2 00??
8Egyptian Stage - Line Modifiers80287A36 00??
80287F5E 00??
80288472 00??
9Aztec Stage - Line Modifiers80290886 00??
80290DAE 00??
802912C2 00??
10Shape Speed Modifier38111EEEA ????
11Pieces Are Suspended4802A52F1 0056

1At any time during the game, push L + C-down to open the "Cheat Screen". The cheat screen gives you the password for Fast Mode in the 1-player game. Be aware that opening the screen during some parts of the game will make the cheat screen look disoriented. Also, when you open the cheat screen, you must turn the system off becuase there is no way to leave the screen.
2For all levels, the shape quantities are as follows, square = 240 in decimal, or F0 in hex (FOh, h is for hex)
L shaped figure = 48, 30h
backwards L shaped figure = 80, 50h
Line = 208, D0h
!_____! shape = 176, B0h
!____!¯ shape = 144, 90h
backwards of above shape = 112, 70h
All other quantities, 10, 20, so on not listed come up as a single square, that when a few spaces down, ends the current game, and you get 0 lines total.
3I forget the exact quantities, but mess around with it yourself to find a speed you like.
4This code works only on the Roman level. It also makes Roman the only playable level.

Parasyte1, 2, 3, 5
Delta FORCE7, 8, 9, 10