
Star Wars: Rogue Squadron Version 1.1

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Activator 1D0121758 00??
2Activator 2D0121759 00??
3Dual ActivatorD1121758 ????
4Invincibility18012171D 00FF
5Secondary Weapon Modifier280121713 000?
6Power-Up Collected380121757 0001
7Rapid Fire Primary Weapon80128AEC 00FF
8Enable All Ships & All Levels (Including 3 Bonus Levels)48112174D 7EFF
9Always Pass Mission801216E4 0001
10All Power-Ups Available8012171E 00FF
11Ship Modifier580121711 000?
12Rapid Fire Secondary Weapons800FE621 0000

1Can hit dead on with the ground and walls, can fly through ships.
21 - Ion Cannon
2 - Missles
3 - Seeker Missles
4 - Bombs
5 - Proton Torpedoes
6 - Advanced Bombs? (havent tried them yet)
7 - Cluster Missles
8 - Seeker Torpedoes
9 - Seeker Cluster Missles
3I don't know if this code will give you the powerup or not, I just know that it allows you to pass the mission if you needed to collect one.
4You still need to pass the mission before you can use the Naboo Fighter.
50 - X-Wing
1 - Y-Wing
2 - A-Wing
3 - V-Wing
4 - Snowspeeder
5 - Millenium Falcon
6 - Tie Intercepter
7 - T-16 Skyhopper
8 - Naboo Starfighter (Must have passed mission previously)

DGenerateKane1, 2, 3, 6
DGenerateKane & Zap24, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11