
Banjo Kazooie Version 1.1

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
Size Modifier Codes
1Banjo18137B30C ????
Mumbo's Mountain
2Mole Hill By Huts8119E0C0 ????
3Hut 18119E240 ????
4Hut 28119E3C0 ????
Image Modifier Codes
5Banjo812978DA ????
812978DE ????
6Mumbo - All Levels81366704 ????
7Blue Jinjo - All Levels813652B4 ????
8Green Jinjo - All Levels81366448 ????
9Pink Jinjo - All Levels81366490 ????
10Bottles Head Modifier - Talking8136BBCC ????
11Chimpy Head Modifier - Talking8136BBCC ????
12Conga Head Modifier - Talking8136BBF8 ????
13Mumbo Token Head Modifier - Talking8136BF68 ????
Mumbo's Mountain
14Conga81388BBC ????
15All Gublins81388CDC ????
16Bull813652B4 ????
17JuJu81388D34 ????
18Instead of Termite Change Into...28129784A ????
19Instead of Pumpkin Change Into...81297851 ????
20Instead of Crocc Change Into...8129785A ????
21Instead of Walrus Change Into...81297861 ????
22Instead of Bee Change Into...8129786A ????
23Instead of Washing Machine Change Into...81297871 ????
Other Codes
24Banjo Behavior Modifier38037C3A8 00??

1The default size is 3F80.
2Use the Image Modifier Digits. they change your image when Mumbo tranforms you.

The Banjo codes Must be the same! Some you may have to use the Size mod to see correctly.
0242 - FREEZE
0260 - FREEZE
0261 - FREEZE
0280 - FREEZE
02D1 - Grey House brick - (upon smashing mumbo huts)
02D2 - Orange
02D3 - MM - Gorilla's tree
02D4 - Shadow
02D5 - Blue Present - (No eyes etc)
02D6 - Tartan Present - (No eyes etc.)
02D7 - Green/white Present - (No eyes etc.)
02DA - Palm Tree
02DB - Grey Toxic Barrel
02DC - Yellow Toxic Barrel
02DD - Kazooie Shock Spring disc
02DF - Light Crate
02E0 - Dark Crate
02E1 - Another Crate
02E3 - RBB - Pipe opening
02E4 - RBB - Pipe opening
02E5 - Pipe
02E6 - Ju-Ju totem pole
02E7 - Pipe
02E8 - Kazooie's fly disc
02E9 - MM - Orange splat
02EB - MM - Orange pads
02ED - Dustbin - Outside Banjo's House
02EE - Mumbo's On Vacation sign
02F1 - MMM - Glass tumbler
02F4 - Brown Leaf
02F5 - Green BK flag pole. Beta?? I'm not sure
02F7 - CCW - Tree branch platform
02F8 - MMM - Rip stone
02F9 - Red BK flag pole
02FC - MMM - Grave plot
02FF - MM - Tree
0300 - Jinxy head
0301 - Mumbo 5 tokens sign
0302 - Mumbo 10 tokens sign
0303 - Mumbo 15 tokens sign
0304 - Mumbo 20 tokens sign
0305 - Mumbo 25 tokens sign
0306 - Grey platform
0307 - FREEZE
030D - BGS - Leaf
030E - lump of wood
0310 - FREEZE
0311 - Sweetcorn
0312 - Hamper
0313 - FREEZE
0314 - FREEZE
0315 - FREEZE
0316 - FREEZE
0319 - FREEZE
032D - Shadow?
032E - Pillow? - Banjo's House
032F - Cobweb
0330 - Arm chair - Banjo's House
0331 - Tea towel holder - Banjo's House
0332 - BGS - Walkway
0333 - Flower Pot - Banjo's House
0334 - Palm Tree
0335 - BBS - Pole
0336 - Drawers - Banjo's house
0337 - Cooking stove - Banjo's house
0338 - Table with radio
0339 - Winter Tree
033A - Fire Torch
033B - Parasol
033C - Pot
033D - Sarcopphagus
033E - Wierd Boulder - Maybe nabnut's fury
033F - Weird Block
0340 - Machine Room booth
0341 - Machine Room Console
0342 - Tree Stump
0343 - Picture of Tooty
0344 - Wood Block ??
0345 - Gold Block ?? part of blubbers gold ??
0346 - ??? very transparent ice ???
0347 - Machine Room Door
0348 - Leaf
0349 - ??? nothing ???
034A - Cobweb
034B - Banjo's Bed
034C - Furnace Fun - podium
034D - Banjo
034E - Banjo
034F - Termite Banjo
0350 - MM - Ant
0351 - TTC - Oyster
0352 - FP - Sled
0353 - MM - Bull
0354 - Concert Bull
0355 - Concert Banjo/Kazooie
0356 - Washing Machine Banjo
0357 - FREEZE
0358 - TTC - Crab
0359 - Walrus Banjo
035A - Concert Tooty
035B - Tooty
035C - Big gorilla
035D - Chimpy
035E - Jiggy Podium?
035F - Jiggy
0360 - Triangle?
0361 - Big honeycomb
0362 - Banjo Bee
0363 - honeycomb piece
0364 - Bee Hive
0365 - FREEZE
0366 - Welly Boots
0367 - Running Shoes
0368 - FREEZE
0369 - Concert Frog
036B - Piranna fish
036D - Blue Egg - (2D)
036F - Pumpkin Banjo
0370 - Blubber
0371 - Grey Slappa
0372 - Gloop
0373 - Mr Vile
0374 - Crocodile Banjo
0375 - Flibbit
0376 - Purple Slapper
0377 - Snowman (no hat)
0378 - Snowball
0379 - Snowman's hat
037A - White dot, snowball?
037B - Fragment?
037C - Oyster piece
037D - Eye
037E - Crab piece?
037F - White dot, snowball?
0380 - BGS/CCW Pink shade egg (massive)0381 - BGS - Pink shade egg (large)
0382 - BGS - Orange shade egg - (big)
0383 - BGS - Orange shade egg - (small)
0384 - BGS - Orange shade egg - (smallest)
0385 - BGS - Yellow Flibbit
0386 - FREEZE
0387 - Bottles
0388 - Bottles' mound
0389 - Slapper - (part)
038A - FP - Boggy on sled
038B - ?? nothing ??
038C - Crab - (pincer)
038D - Crab - (part)
038E - Crab - (head)
038F - Crab with glow
0390 - Crab - (head)
0391 - Crab - (part)
0392 - Crab - (pincer)
0393 - Ant- (part)
0394 - Ant - (head)
0395 - Ant - (part)
0396 - Eye (ant?)
0397 - BGS - Big Alligator
0398 - BGS - Red yumblie
0399 - FREEZE
03A6 - Nintendo Cube
03A7 - Rareware Logo
03A8 - brown fragment
03A9 - Palm Tree
03AD - Fire sparkle
03AE - Cemetary Pot
03AF - Green Plank
03B0 - Snacker
03B1 - Concert Mumbo
03B2 - Two poles?
03B3 - Mumbo's Hut
03BB - Yellow Jinjo
03BC - Orange Jinjo
03BD - TTC - Lighthouse body
03BE - TTC - Lighthouse
03BF - Shadow
03C0 - Blue Jinjo
03C1 - Purple Jinjo
03C2 - Green Jinjo
03C5 - Grublin
03C6 - Mumbo
03C7 - Blubber's Gold
03C8 - Chimpy's tree stump
03C9 - ?? nothing ??
03CA - MMM - Bat
03CB - MMM - Mini phantom
03CC - MMM - normal barrel top
03CD - MMM - Big Door
03CE - MMM - Main Door
03CF - ?? nothing ??
03D0 - MMM - Locked gate
03D1 - MMM - Gate
03D2 - Hatch
03D3 - MMM - Church Door
03D4 - TTC - Lock-up box
03D5 - TTC - Nipper's shell
03D6 - ?? nothing ??
03D7 - GV - Star Switch
03D8 - GV - Banjo door
03D9 - GV - Kazooie door
03DA - GV - Sun door
03DB - GV - Star Hatch
03DC - GV - Magic Carpet
03DD - GV - Rubee
03DE - GV - Histup
03DF - GV - Trunker
03E0 - Gobi
03E1 - GV - Pot
03E2 - GV - Kazooie target
03E3 - Bamboo - (upon smashing mumbo hut)
03E4 - GV - Jinxy's legs ?
03E5 - GV - Hand shadow
03E6 - GV - Big Jinxy head
03E7 - GV - Square shadow
03E8 - GV - Ancient one
03E9 - TTC - Red arrow
03EA - TTC - Red Cross
03EB - TTC - Red Question Mark
03EC - Bomb
03ED - Dragon Fly
03EE - BGS - Tortoise
03EF - ????
03F0 - BGS - Tortoise leg
03F1 - BGS - Tortoise leg
03F2 - BGS - Tortoise leg
03F3 - BGS - Tortoise leg
03F5 - Green Jiggy Switch
03F6 - Red Yumblie
03F7 - White Yumblie
03F8 - Tip-tup
03F9 - Choir member - (minus shell)
03FF - GV - Sun door
0400 - GV - Sun switch
0401 - Flotsam/Jetsam life rings
0402 - Weird Green Ball
0403 - RBB - Ship Propelloe
0404 - RBB - Green prop switch
0405 - RBB - propellor switch
0406 - RBB - Shaft
0407 - RBB - Shaft
0408 - RBB - Shaft
0409 - RBB - Grey Cog
040A - RBB - Grey Cog (bigger)
040B - RBB - Grey Cog (even bigger)
040C - RBB - Spinning platform
040D - RBB - Spinning platform
040E - RBB - Spinning platform
040F - RBB - Propellor - (brown/green)
0410 - RBB - Propellor - (red/grey)
0411 - RBB - Propellor - (brown/green)
0412 - RBB - Boat Propellor switch
0413 - RBB - 1 switch
0414 - RBB - 2 switch
0415 - RBB - 3 switch
0416 - RBB - Gold Whistle
0417 - RBB - Gold Whistle
0418 - RBB - Blue Whistle
0419 - RBB - Pipe
041A - Mumbo token (2D)
041B - RBB - Anchor switch041C - RBB - Snorkel the dolphin
041D - RBB - Anchor and chain
041E - RBB - Rareware flag pole
041F - Strange Ball
0420 - FREEZE
0421 - FP - Bullseye (faded)
0422 - Pyramid
0423 - FREEZE
0424 - Cactus plant
0425 - BGS - Croctus
0426 - ?? nothing ??
0427 - Plank
0428 - Kaboom - (part)
0429 - CC - Key at bottom.
042B - Orange triangle
042C - TTC - Gold chest
042D - SM - Boulder
042E - SM - Smashed boulder pieces
042F - Honeycomb switch
0430 - Enemy grate
0431 - Vent
0432 - CC - Wip-crack
0433 - FREEZE
0434 - Fat Slug ??
0435 - Green drain
0436 - Green drain
0437 - Brown drain
0438 - Gold Honeycomb switch
0439 - ?? Nothing ??
043A - RBB - Propellor
043B - RBB - Bell Buoy
043C - RBB - Row Boat
043D - MMM - Clock Switch
043E - MMM - Gate
043F - White star ??????
0440 - CCW - Venus fly trap
0441 - Clinker ??
0442 - FP - Twinklies box
0443 - CCW -Lump of honey ???
0444 - flat board ???
0445 - flat board ???
0446 - CCW - Zubba
0447 - CCW - Beanstalk
0448 - FP - Blue Twinkly
0449 - FP - Green Twinkly
044A - FP - Orange Twinkly
044B - FP - Red Twinkly
044C - FP - Polar bear kid 1 - (blue trousers)
044D - FP - Polar bear kid 2 - (green trousers)
044E - FP - Polar bear kid 3 (hat)
044F - Green mist
0450 - Dingpot
0451 - Grunty
0452 - Grunty's arms
0453 - Dingpot
0454 - Tooty image in dingpot
0455 - MMM - Skeleton
0456 - Grunty broomstick
0457 - Grunty on broomstick
0458 - Banjo (top half)
0459 - Nabnut's Bed
045B - Kazooie in backpak stand
045C - Banjo's house curtains
045D - ?? nothing ??
045E - Banjo's house door
045F - ??? tiny ???
0460 - ???
0461 - ?? nothing ??
0462 - Pink Nabnut doll - (top half)
0464 - Nabnut's Duvet
0465 - Empty Bed
0466 - FREEZE
0467 - Jiggy's cutout board????WTF????
0468 - Sexy Grunty
0469 - Ugly Tooty
046A - Klungo
046B - Machine room. Tooty's force field
046D - Lightning
046E - Bowl with goldfish - Banjo's House
046F - Cuckoo Clock - Banjo's House
0470 - Inside Banjo's House
0471 - Picture Frame
0472 - Nonsense picture
0473 - Shamen the BBQ King - HE IS BIG!!!!
0474 - BBQ cooker
0475 - FREEZE
0476 - FREEZE
0477 - FREEZE
0478 - Yellow glow
0479 - Melon lady
047F - FP - Blue Present
0480 - FP - Green Present
0481 - FP - Red Present
0482 - CCW - Bird holes
0483 - ?? nothing ??
0484 - Eyrie
0485 - Caterpillar
0486 - Christmas tree switch
0487 - Eyrie Big
0488 - Christmas Tree
0489 - Kazooie Claw disc
048A - Kazooie Fly disc
048B - Jiggy Podium - (unlit)
048C - TNT box - (part)
048D - Nabnut (top half)
048E - Acorn
048F - Gnawty
0490 - Gnawty's Boulder
0491 - Note Door (50)
0492 - Wooden door
0493 - RBB - Door
0494 - Wozza
0495 - Jiggy piece - (on side)
0496 - Twinkly Muncher
0497 - Flashing blue triangle
0498 - Flashing Yellow triangle
0499 - Flashing Green triangle
049A - Flashing Orange triangle
049B - Flashing Red triangle
049C - Part of Nintendo Cube
049D - Sea Grublin
049E - 2D wasp
049F - 2D glowing wasp
04A1 - Brick Wall - (near GV)
04A2 - Entrance door to MM
04A3 - Chest - (only lid)
04A4 - Tall Pipe
04A5- Tall Pipe
04A6 - Pipe
04A7 - 3 Big Iron Bars (locking CC)
04A8 - Circular Grate
04A9 - Pipe switch - (near CC)
04AA - Pipe switch - (near CC)
04AB - Grate Switch (near CC)
04AC - 3 Iron Bars
04AD - Grunty's Hat in Statue room (one that explodes)
04AE - Entrance door to BGS
04AF - Ice ball ??????????????????
04B0 - Watrer Level Switch (3)
04B1 - Circular green grate
04B2 - Water Level switch (2)
04B3 - Rareware box
04B4 - Entrance Door to RBB
04B5 - Water level switch (1)
04B6 - Circular brown Grate - near RBB jigsaw
04B7 - Grate - near RBB jigsaw
04B8 - Click Clock wood switch - (to make podium by jigsaw)
04B9 - BETA JIGGY SWITCH????????
04BA - RBB window
04BB - RBB window
04BC - Entrance door to GV
04BD - Phantom glow?
04BE - ?? nothing ??
04BF - Cobweb
04C0 - MMM - Window
04C1 - MMM - Short Window
04C2 - MMM - Tall Window
04C3 - FP - House
04C4 - FP - Frozen Mumbo hut
04C5 - FP - Christmas present stack
04C6 - FP - Snowy bridge
04C7 - GV - Mummy
04C8 - GV- Mummy (part)
04C9 - GV- Mummy (part)
04CA - GV - Mummy (head)
04CB - GV - Mummy (part)
04CC - MMM - Skeleton
04CD - MMM - Skeleton - (part)
04CE - MMM - Skeleton - (part)
04CF - MMM - Skeleton - (head)
04D0 - MMM - Skelton - (part)
04D2 - Ice tree (protecting jiggy in tree)
04D3 - Triangle
04D4 - Flashing triangle
04D5 - Big yellow cobweb
04D6 - Entrance door to CCW
04D7 - Entrance door to FP
04D8 - Entrance door to FP
04D9 - Wooden snow drift texture
04DA - Door
04DB - RBB - saftey boat
04DC - Witch Switch
04DD - Mumbo switch
04DE - RBB - safety boat
04DF - Cauldron
04E0 - Door
04E1 - Empty wooden coffin
04E2 - RBB - Skylights
04E3 - CCW - Dead beanstalk
04E4 - 'Z' logo
04E5 - FP - Purple Ice Poles
04E6 - FP - Blue Ice Poles
04E7 - FP - Green Ice poles
04E8 - FP - Big Ice Pole
04E9 - FP - Ice pole
04EA - FP - Finish banner
04EB - FP - Start banner
04EC - FP - Race rostrum
04ED - SM - Carrot
04EE - SM - Cauliwobble
04EF - SM - Onion
04F0 - Stem
04F1 - Stem
04F2 - Leaf
04F3 - Leaf
04F4 - ??????????????????
04F5 - CCW - Spring Switch
04F6 - CCW - Summer Switch
04F7 - CCW - Autumn Switch
04F8 - CCW - Winter Switch
04F9 - CCW -Nabnut's window
04FA - CCW - Nabnut's window
04FB - CCW - Nabnut's window snowy
04FC - CCW - Nabnut's window
04FD - Wip-crack
04FE - Branch
04FF - Branch
0500 - Tree branch
0501 - Mound of acorns
0502 - Nabnut
0503 - Nabnut
0504 - Clinker whole
0505 - Clinker piece
0506 - CCW - Dead venus flytrap)
0507 - Grunty floor picture (eye)
0508 - Grunty floor picture (eye)
0509 - tomb (by big vase)
050A - Sharkfood Island
050B - Secret X-Barrel top
050C - Secret Ice Key
050D - Secret Yellow Egg
050E - small glass triangle
050F - small glass triangle
0510 - small glass triangle
0511 - ?? nothing ??
0512 - Piece of glass panel (blocking ice key)???
0513 - Piece of glass panel (blocking ice key)???
0514 - Wooden panel
0515 - Switch for sarcopphagus
0516 - Wooden plank
0517 - Iron gate
0518 - Wooden door
0519 - Loggo
052A - ?? nothing ??
052B - ?? nothing ??
052C - Grublin hood (no middle)
052D - Grublin hood hat
052E - CCW - doors
052F - Chair (boing)
0530 - Banjo's Bed
0531 - Whole of Gnawty's house
0532 - Banjo (minus right hand)
0533 - CCW - Nabnut's door
0534 - Red feather disc - by calendar
0535 - Blue triangle
0536 - Red triangle
0537 - Yellow triangle
0538 - Jiggy Podium (lit)
0539 - Brentilda
053A - Eye
053B - ????
053C - Metal plate
053D - Gruntilda
053E - Gnawty's bed
053F - Gnawty's shelves
0540 - Green claw switch
0541 - Weird fire ball
0542 - shadow
0543 - Jinjo stand
0544 - Jinjonator stand
0545 - Stone Jinjo
0546 - Grunty's spell encasement
0547 - Red power up pillow
0548 - Red power up pillow
0549 - Red power up pillow
054A - Red skull top baddie
054B - Big weird fireball
054C - Game over sign
054D - Banjo Kazooie sign
054E - ?? Nothing ??
054F - Cheato
0550 - Wooden door
0551 - Jinjonator
0552 - Head of broomstick ?????????
0553 - shaft of broomstick ?????????
0554 - shaft of broomstick ?????????
0555 - Eye
0556 - Grunty's orange fireball
0557 - Grunty's red fireball
0558 - Grunty's green fireball
0559 - Grunty's purple fireball
055A - BK warp disc
055B - FP - Boggy's igloo
055C - Press Start sign
055D - No Controller sign
055E - Phantom
055F - Washing machine cauldron (prize at furnace fun)
0560 - Grunty doll (prize at furnace fun)
0561 - Blue skull top baddie
0562 - Black skull top baddie
0563 - Mumbo's Mountain sign
0564 - Purple phantom
0565 - Banjo's hand (bottles game)
0566 - Black crab
0567 - Black crab (no legs)
0568 - Black crab (part)
0569 - Black crab (pincer)
056A - Banjo's house chimney
056B - Pyramid
056C - The End sign
056D - ???????
056E - Beach ending whole scenery
0571 - FREEZE
0580 - Red Feather (2D)
06D1 - Gold Feather (2D)
06D9 - Proppellor (2D)
06DA - Egg timer (2D)
06DB - Egg timer (2D) spinning forwards
06DC - Christmas Tree - (2D) ??BETA?? - can just see before crash
07D7 MM - Hut
07D9 Note
07DB - Gold feather
07E0 - Banjo & Kazooie - (crash)
07E6 - Mr Vile talking
07E7 - Green crocc talking
07ED - B button - (crash)
07EE - Joker Card
07EF - Banjo talking
TALKING 2D objects below this
07F0 - Bottles talking
07F1 - Blubber talking
07F2 - Gorilla talking
07F3 - Phantom talking
07F4 - Kazooie talking
07F5 - Chimpy talking
07F6 - Flibbit talking
07F7 - Gobi talking
07F8 - Tortoise talking
07F9 - Tip-Tup talking
07FA - Cauldron talking
07FB - Rubee talking
07FC - Mumbo talking
07FD - Nipper talking
07FE - Clanker talking
07FF - Grabba talking
0800 - Crab talking
0801 - Trunker talking
0802 - Yellow Jinjo talking
0803 - Green Jinjo talking
0804 - Dark Green Jinjo talking
0805 - Orange Jinjo talking
0806 - Orange Jinjo talking
0807 - Coconut? talking
0808 - Mumbo Token talking
0809 - Running shoes
080C - Swamp Boots
080D - Jiggy
080E - Free Life Guy talking
080F - Gold
0810 - Health pick-up
0811 - BETA Health???
0812 - Honeycomb
0813 - Piranha
0814 - Shark
0815 - Tooty
0816 - Witch's hat
0817 - Sphinx
0818 - Chomper of Twinklies
0819 - FREEZE
081B -
081D - Extra Health Maximum Pickup
081E - Blue egg
081F - Gold Feather
0820 - Red Feather
0821 - Twinkly
0822 - Present
0823 - Present
0824 - Present
0825 - Orange
0826 - Tumbler
0827 - Clock! This didn't talk!
0828 - Juju
0829 - FREEZE
082A - Rusty Bucket
082B - Klungo
082C - Mummy
082D - ? bird ?
082E - Brentilda
082F - Turtle from Tip Tup Choir! This didn't talk!
0830 - Sphinx (again!)
0831 - Squirrel
0832 - TTC Gold Treasure Box
0833 - Cauldron from end
0834 - Termite
0835 - Walrus
0836 - Gloop from CC
0837 - Beaver
0838 - Dolphin
0839 - Clam
083A - Yellow Egg-eating Croc
083B - Motzand
083C - Boggy (I think)
083D - Loggo
083E - Young Eerie
083F - Adult Eerie
0840 - Zingbot
0841 - Pretty changed witch!!
0842 - Cheato
0843 - Kid from presents
0844 - Tooty
0845 - Black Crab (I forget name)
0846 - Worm
0847 - Boss Boom Box
0848 - ?????? thing ??????
0849 - TTC Opening up and Down Boxes
301 Normal
02 Termite
03 Pumpkin
04 Walrus
05 Crocodile
06 Bee
07 Washing Machine

Animal & Ass Wigit1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24