
Metroid 2: Return of Samus

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Infinite Missiles013953D0
2Infinite Missiles (Variation)019986D0
4Infinite Energy019951D0
5Have All Items1017F45D0
6Moon Jump2010110D0
7Beam Modifier3010?4DD0
8Debug Mode40101A0D0
9Extra Stuff501542DDE
10No Enemies010026C4
11All Items & Mega Jump017F45D0
129 Energy Tanks010952D0
13Rapid-fire Controls010080FF
14Number Of Energy Tanks01??50D0
15Number Of Full Energy Tanks01??52D0

1This code gives you Bombs, High Jump Boots, Screw Attack, Space Jump, Spring Ball, Spider Ball and Varia Suit. All the items can be saved.
2Hold the jump button to raise to the desired height, release to fall.
30 - Regular Beam
1 - Ice Beam
2 - Wave Beam
3 - Spazer Beam
4 - Plazma Beam
8 - Missiles
4Push Start to pause the game, you'll notice there is a strange 'menu' on the screen. You can turn items on and off, and change the beam you're using. There's also a feature that lets you save anywhere, by pushing Select while paused. After pushing select, the game will resume, without sound. Push Start twice to return to normal.
5Some things can be used to land on or jump off of.

InterAct1, 3
Parasyte & CyberZer0@zdnetmail.com2
Parasyte4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Keith King10, 11
HyperHacker13, 14, 15