

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Infinite Fuel108D-0FA7
2Reduce Gravity4DE7-CD0F
3Increase GravityCDE7-CD0F
4Increase Rocket Pack Thrust Power 3XE2EF-6F0F
5Infinite Time (Switch Off To Detach Hang Glider From Plane)DD8E-AFD5
6No Target Spots!1EE30 0DD7
7Big Target Spots!EEC9 0DAD
8Some Of Your Instruments Don't WorkEEE4 0F6D
9Plane Engine Is QuietEE2A 0DDD
10Instructor Has No Eyes Or MouthEE3F 6FAF
11Instructor Missing One Eye And Half His MouthEE30 ADD3
12Instructor Has Squinty Eyes And A Small MouthEE30 A4D3
13Land In Mid-Air (The Game Will Then Freeze)EE8D AFD1
14Add Picture Of Hanglider To Courses That Don't Have ItFF3B DDD3

1In helicopter missions ground cannons don't fire at you! You'll not be able to complete some courses with this code on.

Galoob1, 2, 3, 4, 5
ructir@aol.com6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14