
Mega Man

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Infinite LivesOZSKPZVK
2Start With 1 LifeAASPLAZA
3Start With 6 LivesIASPLAZA
4Start With 9 LivesAASPLAZE
5Infinite EnergySZKZGZSA
6Start With Half EnergyTAXOIOGO
7No Harm From Any Enemies, Except Super VillainsAVVXLPSZ
8Mega Man Mega-JumpTAOOYTGA
9Always Get Maximum Points For Shooting Super VillainsOXSLEEPV
10Infinite Weapons (Once You Have Them)IESZXESN
Miscellaneous Codes
1156 Maximum Life Energy1ALNOLKGO
12Start With 56 EnergyALXOIOGO
13Flyscreen Music (The Screen Between The Stage Select Menu And The Level Itself - Currently 0D)IANULYZE
14Flyscreen Sound (When Robot First Appears - Currently 12)ZPNLTNGP
15Stage Select Music (Currently 10)AOSULTPA
16Stage Select Sound (When You Move The Cursor - Currently 27)2YZSUANYP
17Start A Game. Soon You Won't Be Able To Shoot To The RightSXAZOO
18You Can't Shoot To The LeftSXPZOO
19Shooting Is Really Messed UpSXGZOO
20Walkthru Breakable BlocksTULIAN
21Start With 6,666,666 PointsPAKOPA
22Skips The Title ScreenPAKPTA
23Appear Instantly On A StagePAKPIO
24Rapid FirePIKKLA
25A Lot Less EnemiesOSKIEE
26Enemies Take Longer To Start Moving, Some Missing And Some Are FrozenNYASUZ
27Most Enemies Have A Lot Less Health, Some Have MoreAUGUST
28If You Enter A Screen And Exit, The Enemies Will DissappearGOUSEE
29Start With __ Weapon3*EKOZAAA
30Start With Bombman's WeaponPOKPGA
31When You Defeat A Boss, Receive A Random WeaponTOOULT
32Start With All Weapons, Needs WorkTXOULP
33Everytime You Go Into The Menu And Exit, Receive __ Weapon4ELKUGX
34Start With One LifePASPLAZA
35Laddermania On Cutman StageZAKGNIPA
36Die When You Jump On Cutman StageLAKGNIPA
37Icy Cutman StageGAKGNIPA
38Fall Through All Ground But Not Ladders Or Blocks In Cutman StageIAKGNIPA
40When You Hold The Jump Button Down, You Float6ALTOKG
41Everything Floats AwayALYPNG
42Jump Up And Don't Come DownXYLPNG
43Slightly Higher JumpALTOOG
44Jump About Half A Screen HighAZTOOG
45Jump To The Top Of The ScreenLPTOOG
46Weird Music 1AULPYZ
47Weird Music 27AUZPYG
48Kill Bosses With One ShotAUZYGL
49The Rotating Gun Things Shoot ConstantlyATGYGT
50The Rising Bomb Things (In Bombman Stage) Don't ExplodeAUPYGT
51When You Arrive At The Boss, You Will Warp Back To Stage Select And That Boss Will Be BeatenZVLYGL
52Goes Straight From Title Screen To CutsMan StageALTPYA
53Press START And Play The CutsMan Level While You're Still On The Title ScreenAPTPYA
54When You Arrive At The Boss, You Warp To A Glitched Wily Level 4AVLYGL
55You Go Right Back To The Title Screen Instead Of Going To The Boss's Level That You ChooseLUNGES
56Music And Sound Effects Messed UpPEPPIS
57When You Press Start To Play A Stage It Sends You To The Opening ScreenEEPPIS

1The screen still displays only 28, though. Unlike "Start with x energy," where you can start with more energy but still only refill up to 28, this code sets the most you can have at any time by using life capsules.
200 - Wily's Fortress?
01 - Stage Select Default
02 - Flyscreen Default
04 - Victory Tune
05 - ?
06 - 09: Robot Stages
0A - ?
0B - Final Battle
0C - Wily's Fortress?
0D - ?
0E - Credits
10 - Cool Music
11 - Siren
12+ - Various Sound Effects
3The strange thing is, is that you have to defeat a boss at the begining of a stage to proceed.

P - Cutman
Z - Iceman
L - Bombman
G - Fireman
I - Electman
T - Gutsman
Y - Ledge Weapon (Need To Die Once For It To Show Up)
4Change the 1st 2 for different weapons. If megaman appears glitched, go into the menu and highlight the letter P. This code gives you Gutsman weapon, and Infinite Bombman's weapon.
5When one of your bullets is still on the screen, hit SELECT to warp to the top of the screen!
6You also will fall very slowly when you walk off a ledge.
7Notes have a "drop" effect.

Galoob1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Dr. Arcade10
zazer@earthlink.net11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16
nintendo@pioneer-net.com17, 18, 19
Gedowski20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33
Jon Giusti and Cal Leingang (, 35, 36, 37, 38
Charles DuMarr the "Evil_Spock"39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54
Rick L55
BEAVIS4103@aol.com56, 57