

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Infinite AmmoSLXTEEVS
2Start With Half 150mm AmmoTOVZIAZL
3Start With Double 150mm AmmoLVVZIAZL
4Start With More Wire Guided ShellsZUVXTAPA
5Start With Max Wire Guided ShellsLVVXTAPA
6Start With More Smoke ShellsZUNXAAPA
7Start With Max Smoke ShellsLVNXAAPA
8Start With Less 50mm ShellsLGEZPPVO
9Start With Max 50mm ShellsNYEZPPVO
10Start With Less 50mm Ammo After Mission 5GTEZIOEG
11Start With Max 50mm Ammo After Mission 5NYEZIOEK
12Take Infinite HitsSXOPAAVT

Galoob1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12