
Boggle Plus

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Infinite Time005-AFD-E6E
21-Minute Game016-BCD-E66
35-Minute Game056-BCD-E66
49-Minute Game096-BCD-E66
5Can Re-Use Shaded LettersD48-82A-E61
6Can Select Any Letter On The Board--Letters Don't Have To Be Next To Each Other30E-A9A-4CA
Codes For "Boggle" Game Option
71- & 2-Letter Words Allowed101B-4CA-E66
8Min. Word Length 4 Letters04B-4CA-E66
Codes For The "Big Boggle" Game Option
91- To 3-Letter Words Allowed201B-8FA-F7A
10Min. Word Length 5 Letters05B-8FA-F7A

1Words under 3 letters allowed but won't be recognized by dictionary. Press "A" at end of game to accept 1- or 2- letter words.
2Words under 3 letters allowed but won't be recognized by dictionary. Press "A" at end of game to accept 1- or 2- letter words.

Galoob1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10