

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Joker CommandD0083B04 ????
2Infinite Lives8008109C 0003
3Invincible800853F0 001D
4Infinite Special Weapon Ammo8008450A 000F
8008450C 000F
Endymion MK. II
5Weapon Modifier1D0083B04 0010
8008540C 0?00
6Weapon Modifier2D0083B04 0010
8008540C 0C0?
7Infinite Top Pod Ammo38008465A 000F
8Have Unknown Fighter Type ID0083B04 0010
8008110C 0003
9Have Unknown Fighter Type II4D0083B04 0010
8008110C 0004

1Input the digit and press triangle to get the weapon.
2Input the digit and press triangle to get the weapon.

1 - Vulcan
2 - Wasp
3 - Grenade
4 - Cannon
5 - Blade
6 - Hedgehog
7 - Spreader
8 - Riot
9 - Flash
A - Python
B - Mosquito
C - Juno
3Always use the infinite ammo codes with the weapon select codes.
4To access the unknown fighters, push the triangle button at the fighter select screen.

Credits, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9