
World Cup '98

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Home Team Scores 9 Goals800478BB 0009
2Home Team Scores 0 Goals800478BB 0000
3Away Team Scores 9 Goals800478BF 0009
4Away Team Scores 0 Goals800478BF 0000
5Open Cup Classic Mode8003CC6F 0001
6Finish Half and Full Time Instantly180048EA3 00F0
7Score Modifier Away Team800478BB 00??
8Score Modifier Home Team800478BF 00??
9Shots On Target Modifier Away Team80047A67 00??
10Shots On Target Modifier Home Team80047FEB 00??
11Shots Off TArget Modifier Away Team80047A6F 00??
12Shots Off Target Modifier Home Team80047FF3 00??
13Corners Modifier Away Team80047A73 00??
14Corners Modifier Home Team80047FF7 00??

1Do not set half time length above 4 minutes.

Datel1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Kim7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14