
Paperboy 64

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Infinite Health8106A682 0064
2Paper Modifier (All Levels)8110346C 0800
8110346E 0018
81103470 8E22
81103472 0108
81000060 241B
81000062 ????
81000064 AC5B
81000066 000C
81000068 0804
8100006A 0D1D
8100006C 8C42
8100006E 000C
3Don't Lose Papers When Throwing Them (All Levels)810FC288 2400
4Paper Throw Cost Modifier (All Levels) (Default FFFF)810FC282 ????
5Starting Number Of Papers Modifier (All Levels)810FB324 2404
810FB326 ????
6Don't Lose Health From Hitting Things810088F8 2400
7Stop Timer (All Levels)810CF09C 2400
8Turn Off Timer Display (All Levels)810DAE7C 1000
In-Game Cheats
9Level Select18006A6A7 0001
10Invincibility81268D1A 0001
11Infinite Newspapers81268D12 0001
12Big Newspapers81268D5A 0001
13Throw Newspapers Forwards81268D46 0001
14Throw Newspapers Backwards81268D4A 0001
15Small Newspaperboy/Girl81268D52 0001
16Cartoon Sounds81268D2A 0001
17Turbo Mode81268D36 0001
18Moon Jumps81268D2E 0001
19Super Jump Springs81268D3A 0001
20Rocket Boosters81268D3E 0001
21No Music81268550 5500
Paperboy Power-Up Modifiers
22Training2802B3A53 00??
23Alphaville3802C754B 00??
24Alice's RV Haven802C29EB 00??
25Moose Pellet Park802C3F83 00??
26Pelican Beach802F5E83 00??
27Tesla Town80340EBB 00??
28Dr. Tesla's Castle802CF28B 00??
29Construction Junction802FB943 00??
30Big Foot Falls802C9433 00??
31The Zoo802C9553 00??
32King Gorilla802A8C4B 00??
33Mt. Kablooie80310D0B 00??
34Ghost Town80344BCB 00??
35RayBob's Junkyard802C2E0B 00??
36Omega City802FB403 00??
37Invading Neptune802CBF63 00??
Papergirl Power-Up Modifiers
38Training 14802B45F3 00??
39Alphaville 2802C80FB 00??
40Alice's RV Haven802C358B 00??
41Moose Pellet Park802C4B23 00??
42Pelican Beach802F6A23 00??
43Tesla Town80341A8B 00??
44Dr. Tesla's Castle802CFE3B 00??
45Construction Junction802FC50B 00??
46Big Foot Falls802C9FDB 00??
47The Zoo802CA103 00??
48King Gorilla802A9803 00??
49Mt. Kablooie803118BB 00??
50Ghost Town8034577B 00??
51RayBob's Junkyard802C39BB 00??
52Omega City802FC0CB 00??
53Invading Neptune802CCAEB 00??

1Also accesses All Bonus Levels
203 Stomp Jump
04 Sun
06 Monster Potion (Monster Paperboy)
07 Paper Spray (throws papers in all directions at one time)
08 Watch ( Slows time for a few moments)
3These codes work best with an activator
403 Stomp Jump
04 Sun
06 Monster Potion (Monster Paperboy)
07 Paper Spray (throws papers in all directions at one time)
08 Watch ( Slows time for a few moments)

Viper1871, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53
Kia6669, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21