
Star Wars - Shadows Of The Empire

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
Stage 1 Codes
1Cheat Device Button For All Weapons881B76AD 0003
881B76AE 00E0
2Cheat Device Button For Jet Pack881B76AF 0040
3Mega Jump811B7680 43A6
4Infinite Health811B76EC 42C8
5Infinite Jet Pack811B76F4 42C8
6Lasers Never Overheat811B76F8 42C8
7Infinite Pulse Ammo811B76FC 4348
8Infinite Flame Ammo811B7700 4348
9Infinite Seeker Ammo811B7704 4348
10Infinite Stunner Ammo811B7708 4348
11Infinite Disruptor Ammo811B770C 4348
12L Button For Moon JumpD01A60E5 0020
811B76D8 4100
13Once Invicibility Is On It Stays On Code801B771E 00D0
14Super Laser811B76F4 4EFF
15Weird Float Code1811B76AC 0443
Stage 2 Codes
16Cheat Device Button For All Weapons881DABF1 0003
881DABF2 00E0
17Cheat Device Button For Jetpack881DABF3 0040
18Infinite Health811DAC30 42C8
19Infinite Jetpack811DAC38 42C8
20Lasers Never Overheat811DAC3C 42C8
21Super Lasers811DAC3C 4EFF
22Infinite Pulse Ammo811DAC40 4348
23Infinite Flame Ammo811DAC44 4348
24Infinite Seeker Ammo811DAC48 4348
25Infinite Stunner Ammo811DAC4C 4348
26Infinite Disruptor Ammo811DAC50 4348
27Mega Jump811DABC4 43A6
28L Button For Moon JumpD01A60E5 0020
811DAC1C 4100
29Weird Float Code2811DABF0 0443
30Go Below Instant Kill Zone3811DABD4 42E3

1Press R to stay in the air and float up sometimes.
2Press R to stay in the air and float up sometimes.
3the game has a seperate value for determining the Y-value of the instant kill zone, this keeps that value constant, hence you can now go all the way to the bottomof a pit, use with fall forever code, also, putting the value too low for this code makes the game think your always below the instant kill line, hence you always die

Viper1871, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30