
Pokemon Pinball - Ruby & Sapphire

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1(M)DEDA38AF 43941E3A
5F4Df8E8 F926CC20
2Infinite CoinsD7DFA1B0 57E36DA9
3Infinite Balls6EB6F37E 769C18C3
4Max Score7DE35395 E57B7883
CCCC68F0 F0766083
5Always Ball Saver24C85B5f 21C989CE
6No Ball SaverED48DCB6 1C1CFE41
7Pokedex CompleteF0DB8767 1C82DC9D
31D9DC7C ED2D1951
A143F80C 6609E707
8Extra Pokemon1BB5290F C16C977F
478C320D 5CE45958
F27667ED 5C86C410
79D5F0F1 B820D4BD
9Infinite Pikachu Charge7DC48234 56F27AD6
10Bonus Multiplier Is 991770E2504 89ECB118
11Always Master Ball2B606CD20 A9774D7A
12Go To Bonus Stages Faster390A38D49 7BB30D3F

1The bonus multiplier is always 99, and does not change.
2The ball may not always look like a Master Ball, but you still get the field multiplier.
3Every time you catck a Pokemon, the hole will open up afterwards and take you to a bonus stage.

Codejunkies.com1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Dr. Sunglasses10, 11
An Old Friend12