
Wonder Planet (Japan)

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Infinite Credits060042 09
2Infinite Lives060204 99
3Infinite Energy060250 80
4Infinite Missiles060250 7F
5Infinite Bombs06024E 99
6Infinite Barrier Balls060252 09
7Infinite Barriers060254 0F
8Infinite Back Fire060247 02
9Invincibility060401 80
CODE: 040
10Infinite Shop Time1060286 02
11Infinite Money06020C 99
12Infinite Money (2/4)06020D 99
CODE: 500
13Infinite Money (3/4)06020E 99
CODE: 500
14Infinite Money (4/4)06020F 99
CODE: 500
15Always have the Normal Missile060248 01
16Always have the Wide Beam060248 03
17Always have the Cross Fire060248 04
18Always have the Side Attack060248 05
19Always have the Nine Shot060248 06
20Always have the Extender060248 07
21Always have the Revolver060248 08
22Always have the Winder060248 09
23Always have the Homing Missiles060248 0A
24Get the Normal Missile Now!060248 01
CODE: 001
25Get the Wide Beam Now!060248 03
CODE: 001
26Get the Cross Fire Now!060248 04
CODE: 001
27Get the Side Attack Now!060248 05
CODE: 001
28Get the Nine Shot Now!060248 06
CODE: 001
29Get the Extender Now!060248 07
CODE: 001
30Get the Revolver Now!060248 08
CODE: 001
31Get the Winder Now!060248 09
CODE: 001
32Get the Homing Missiles Now!060248 0A
CODE: 001
33Always have the Normal Bomb06024A 0B
34Always have the Cross Bomb06024A 0C
35Always have the Conti Bomb06024A 0D
36Always have the Peace Bomb06024A 0E
37Always have the Hyper Bomb06024A 0F
38Always have the Smart Bomb06024A 10
39Get the Normal Bomb Now!06024A 0B
CODE: 001
40Get the Cross Bomb Now!06024A 0C
CODE: 001
41Get the Conti Bomb Now!06024A 0D
CODE: 001
42Get the Peace Bomb Now!06024A 0E
CODE: 001
43Get the Hyper Bomb Now!06024A 0F
CODE: 001
44Get the Smart Bomb Now!06024A 10
CODE: 001
45Always have the Barrier Ball06024B 11
46Always have the Front Barrier06024B 12
47Always have the Rear Barrier06024B 13
48Always have the Multi Barrier06024B 14
49Always have the Hyper Barrier06024B 15
50Get the Barrier Ball Now!06024B 11
CODE: 001
51Get the Front Barrier Now!06024B 12
CODE: 001
52Get the Rear Barrier Now!06024B 13
CODE: 001
53Get the Multi Barrier Now!06024B 14
CODE: 001
54Get the Hyper Barrier Now!06024B 15
CODE: 001
55Always have the Jet Engine06024D 01
56Always have the Super Engine06024D 02
57Always have the Rocket Engine06024D 03
58Always have the Hyper Engine06024D 04
59Get the Jet Engine Now!06024D 01
CODE: 001
60Get the Super Engine Now!06024D 02
CODE: 001
61Get the Rocket Engine Now!06024D 03
CODE: 001
62Get the Hyper Engine Now!06024D 04
CODE: 001

1Turn off to finish stage

cheat.retrogames.com1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62