
Bubble Symphony (Japan)

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Infinite Lives Player 1408272 0A
2Invincibility (buggy) Player 140826E 7F
3Always Lightning Bubbles Player 14049B5 01
4Always Water Bubbles Player 14049B5 02
5Always Fire Bubbles Player 14049B5 03
6Always Rainbow Bubbles Player 14049B5 04
7Always Whirlwind Bubbles Player 14049B5 05
8Always Musical Bubbles Player 14049B5 06
9Always Max Shoe Speed Player 1408262 03
10Get Lightning Bubbles Now!Player 14049B5 01
CODE: 001
11Get Water Bubbles Now! Player 14049B5 02
CODE: 001
12Get Fire Bubbles Now! Player 14049B5 03
CODE: 001
13Get Rainbow Bubbles Now! Player 14049B5 04
CODE: 001
14Get Whirlwind Bubbles Now!Player 14049B5 05
CODE: 001
15Get Musical Bubbles Now! Player 14049B5 06
CODE: 001
16Get Max Shoe Speed Now! Player 1408262 03
CODE: 001
17Infinite Lives Player 2408273 0A
18Invincibility (buggy) Player 240826F 7F
19Always Lightning Bubbles Player 2404A35 01
20Always Water Bubbles Player 2404A35 02
21Always Fire Bubbles Player 2404A35 03
22Always Rainbow Bubbles Player 2404A35 04
23Always Whirlwind Bubbles Player 2404A35 05
24Always Musical Bubbles Player 2404A35 06
25Always Max Shoe Speed Player 2408263 03
26Get Lightning Bubbles Now!Player 2404A35 01
CODE: 001
27Get Water Bubbles Now! Player 2404A35 02
CODE: 001
28Get Fire Bubbles Now! Player 2404A35 03
CODE: 001
29Get Rainbow Bubbles Now! Player 2404A35 04
CODE: 001
30Get Whirlwind Bubbles Now!Player 2404A35 05
CODE: 001
31Get Musical Bubbles Now! Player 2404A35 06
CODE: 001
32Get Max Shoe Speed Now! Player 2408263 03
CODE: 001
33Bubble The Guardian Now!4041A9 00
CODE: 001
34Get Note 1 - Orange Now!408160 04
CODE: 001
35Get Note 2 - Orange Now!408161 04
CODE: 001
36Get Note 3 - Orange Now!408162 04
CODE: 001
After you enable these region cheats to see any effect you will have to reset the game (F3). Then you may have to turn the Test Mode ON (F2), reset again (F3), wait for Test Mode to appear then turn the Test Mode OFF (F2) and reset (F3).
37Region Switch = Japan0FFFFF 01
CODE: 001
38Region Switch = US0FFFFF 02
CODE: 001
39Region Switch = World0FFFFF 03
CODE: 001

cheat.retrogames.com1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39