
Aero Fighters (Turbo Force hardware set 2)

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Infinite Credits0C8B91 09
2Infinite Lives Player 1FF60DD 0A
3Infinite Smart Bombs Player 11FF60DF 06
4Maximum fire power Player 1FF60E1 03
5Absurd fire power Player 1FF60E1 07
6Invincibility Player 12FF06D3 B4
7Infinite Lives Player 2FF61DD 0A
8Infinite Smart Bombs Player 23FF61DF 06
9Maximum fire power Player 2FF61E1 03
10Absurd fire power Player 2FF61E1 07
11Invincibility Player 24FF0733 B4

1Do NOT use Smart Bombs with Invincibility enabled when you are in the USA or Swedish aircraft or the game will crash!!
2Use it when sprite flickers
3Do NOT use Smart Bombs with Invincibility enabled when you are in the USA or Swedish aircraft or the game will crash!!
4Use it when sprite flickers

cheat.retrogames.com1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11