

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Max HP8006E52C 967F
8006E52E 0098
8006E530 967F
8006E532 0098
2Max Fuel8006E504 270F
8006E506 270F
Max Abilities
3Attack8006E540 FFB5
4Defense8006E53C FFC3
5Ether Defense8006E53E 4CF3
6No Weight8006E534 0000
7Have Options13006F18B 00FF
8Armor Modifier3006E4D4 00??
9Engine Modifier3006E4CF 00??
10Frame Modifier3006E4CE 00??

1This gear was never designed for use out of a specific battle, so the game will freeze if you change rooms when a character has one of these gears (trying to load the map-screen sprites for the gears, and being unable to load it). Of course, you can use them in battles, just as long as you creatively use Joker codes to change gears while playing.

All by Thunder2,, CodeMaster, B A Torr & FF-Fanatic. Gear Modifiers by Ingacio De Lucas, Unless Specified1
CodeMaster7, 8, 9, 10