

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Joker CommandD0079EB4 ????
2Infinite Energy P1 Worm 118014A54C 0064
3Infinite Energy P2 Worm 18014A7FC 0064
4Infinite Energy P1 Worm 28014A5F8 0064
5Infinite Energy P2 Worm 28014A8A8 0064
6Infinite Energy P1 Worm 38014A6A4 0064
7Infinite Energy P2 Worm 38014A954 0064
8Infinite Energy P1 Worm 48014A750 0064
9Infinite Energy P2 Worm 48014AA00 0064
10Exploding Rusty8014A7B2 0002
11Infinite Turn Timer8014B7FC 0E11
12Infinite Teleport P1 (All Worms)8014B1CC 0002
13Infinite Teleport P2 (All Worms)8014B220 0002
14Infinite Airstrikes P1 (All Worms)8014B1C8 0002
15Infinite Airstrikes P2 (All Worms)8014B21C 0002
16Infinite Sheep Bombs P1 (All Worms)8014B1EC 0001
17Infinite Sheep Bombs P2 (All Worms)8014B240 0001
18Infinite Dynamite P1 (All Worms)8014B1C0 0001
19Infinite Dynamite P2 (All Worms)8014B214 0001
20Infinite Homing Missiles P1 (All Worms)8014B1A4 0002
21Infinite Homing Missiles P2 (All Worms)8014B1F8 0002
22Infinite Cluster Bombs P1 (All Worms)8014B1AC 0005
23Infinite Cluster Bombs P2 (All Worms)8014B200 0005
24Infinite Mines P1 (All Worms)8014B1C4 0002
25Infinite Mines P2 (All Worms)8014B218 0002
26Infinite Girders P1 (All Worms)8014B1E0 0003
27Infinite Girders P2 (All Worms)8014B234 0003
28Always Your Turn2D0079EB4 0002
8014B1EC 0001
29Switch Turns3D0079EB4 0008
8014B1EC 0000
30Random Movie Player4D0079EB4 0100
8007A074 0001

11st-8th by CodeBoy, Joker & 9th-27th by Thunder2
2Hold down the R2 button and enjoy the fireworks because as long as its held down one else can have a turn. Make sure you hold it down on your turn not the enemies or they get the free shots!
3Press the R1 button to switch between turns! Never give the enemy a chance.
4Press the Select button as soon as the game is on and enjoy while it plays different movies in the game. You may have to turn shark off to get out of it. There isn't an off switch!

?28, 29, 30