
NBA In The Zone '99

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Joker CommandD0091566 ????
2Home Team Score Modifier8009197C 00??
800918CC 00??
80091848 00??
3Away Team Score Modifier80091A7C 00??
80091B00 00??
80091BDC 00??
4Infinite Shot Clock800916B2 0502
5Infinite Rest Points1D0091566 0100
80100660 01E0
D0091566 0100
801FFDEC 01E0
Home Team Codes
61st Quarter-2 - Pointer's Scored Modifier80091930 00??
71st Quarter-3 - Pointer's Scored Modifier80091934 00??
82nd Quarter-2 - Pointer's Scored Modifier8009195C 00??
92nd Quarter-3 - Pointer's Scored Modifier80091960 00??
103rd Quarter-2 - Pointer's Scored Modifier80091988 00??
113rd Quarter-3 - Pointer's Scored Modifier8009198C 00??
124th Quarter-2 - Pointer's Scored Modifier800919B4 00??
134th Quarter-3 - Pointer's Scored Modifier800919B8 00??
Away Team Codes
141st Quarter-2 - Pointer's Scored Modifier280091B64 00??
151st Quarter-3 - Pointer's Scored Modifier80091B68 00??
162nd Quarter-2 - Pointer's Scored Modifier80091B90 00??
172nd Quarter-3 - Pointer's Scored Modifier80091B94 00??
183rd Quarter-2 - Pointer's Scored Modifier80091BBC 00??
193rd Quarter-3 - Pointer's Scored Modifier80091BC0 00??
204th Quarter-2 - Pointer's Scored Modifier80091BE8 00??
214th Quarter-3 - Pointer's Scored Modifier80091BEC 00??
222 Pointer's Multiple Score Modifier800B29F4 00??
233 Pointer's Multiple Score Modifier800B2D08 00??

1With this code, when inside the ability part of the 'Create Player' screen press select to give you 480 rest points.
2These codes affect your total score.

ViperByte1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Most by Sage6, 14