
Moto Racer

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Always Come in First1800A5516 0701
8008F4CC F9F1
2Max Speed800A558E 4300
800A5596 4300
3Lap Time is 0:00:008008ED6C 0000
4Infinite Time8008F6D8 A000

1With the `Always Come in First' code, after you load the codes turn the Cheat Device off and then when the races starts turn the Cheat Device on then flip it back off. Do this each time a race starts and you will have lapped the opponents once and have a 63 second timer. If you don't flip the Cheat Device off you will continue to race on Lap 2 forever.

raven187@concentric.net1, 3, 4