
Jet Moto 2

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Have All Tracks, Main Trophy & Insane Difficulty Level18016AF06 0401
8016B0F0 0401
8016B0F2 0401
8016B0F4 0401
8016B0F6 0401
2Put The Riders Names on The Trophey8016B0F8 0401
8016B0DC 0401
8016B0DE 0401
8016B0E2 0401
8016B0E4 0401
8016B0E6 0401
8016B0E8 0401
8016B0E0 0401
8016B0EA 0401
8016B0EC 0401
3Have All Code Medals & Stunt Key8016B0EE 0401
8016B0FA 0101
8016B0FC 0101
8016B0FE 0101
8016B100 0101
8016B102 0101
4Have The Original 10 Jet Moto Tracks8016B104 0101
5Always Come in 1st8017D730 0001
8016FCA8 0003
6Infinite Turbo (Li'l Dave)8016BDEC 4000
7Infinite Grapple (Li'l Dave)8016C11A 0006
8Infinite Turbo (Wild Ride)8016CD54 4000
9Infinite Grapple (Wild Ride)8016D082 0006
10Infinite Turbo (Blade)8016DCBC 4000
11Infinite Grapple (Blade)8016DFEA 0006
12Infinite Turbo (The Technician)8016EC24 4000
13Infinite Grapple (The Technician)8016EF52 0006
14Infinite Turbo (The Max)8016FB8C 4000
15Infinite Grapple (The Max)8016FEBA 0006
16Infinite Turbo (Vampeera)80170AF4 4000
17Infinite Grapple (Vampeera)80170E22 0006
18Infinite Turbo (Gadget)80171A5C 4000
19Infinite Grapple (Gadget)80171D8A 0006
20Infinite Turbo (Steele)801729C4 4000
21Infinite Grapple (Steele)80172CF2 0006
22Infinite Turbo (The Hun)8017392C 4000
23Infinite Grapple (The Hun)80173C5A 0006
24Infinite Turbo (Bomber)80174894 4000
25Infinite Grapple (Bomber)80174BC2 0006
26Infinite Turbo (Enigma)801757FC 4000
27Infinite Grapple (Enigma)80175B2A 0006
28Race All Tracks in Wire-Frame Mode8016B114 0101
29Always Start On 3rd Lap80173784 0003
Start On Lap 3 Codes
30Li'l Dave8016BF08 0003
31Wild Ride8016CE70 0003
32Blade8016DDD8 0003
33Technician8016ED40 0003
34The Max8016FCA8 0003
35Vampeera80170C10 0003
36Gadget80171B78 0003
37Steele80172AE0 0003
38The Hun80173A48 0003
39Bomber801749B0 0003
40Enigma80175918 0003

11st-4th by, 5th & 33rd by, 6th-25th by, 26th-27th by, 28th by
