
FIFA Soccer 2002: Major League Soccer

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Enable Code (Must Be On)D00C82A4 E180
800C82A4 E080
2Home Team Score Modifier8003A598 00??
3Away Team Score Modifier8003A59C 00??
4Goal's Score ModifierD00A3E8A 2442
800A3E88 00??
5All Goal's Score For Home TeamD00A3E78 1880
800A3E7C 0000
D00A3E78 1880
800A3E7E 2443
6All Goal's Score For Away TeamD00A3E78 1880
800A3E7C 0004
D00A3E78 1880
800A3E7E 2443
7All Penalty Cards8004DED4 0202
8004DED6 0202
8004DED8 0202
8004DEDA 0202
8004DEEC 0101
8004DEEE 0101
8004DEF0 0101
8004DEF2 0101
3004DEF4 0001
Home Team Stats Modifier Codes
8Shots On Target8003A744 00??
9Total Shots8003A74C 00??
10Corners8003A750 00??
11Bookings8003A754 00??
Away Team Stats Modifier Codes
12Shots On Target8003A9DC 00??
13Total Shots8003A9E4 00??
14Corners8003A9E8 00??
15Bookings8003A9EC 00??

Code Master & Unknown1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15