

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Joker CommandD00BF19C ????
2P1 Infinite Energy800C9944 00C8
3P1 25% EnergyD00C9944 00C8
800C9944 0032
4P1 50% EnergyD00C9944 00C8
800C9944 0064
5P1 75% EnergyD00C9944 00C8
800C9944 0096
6P1 1-Hit DeathD00C9944 00C8
800C9944 0004
7P1 No Energy800C9944 0000
8P2 Infinite Energy800C9B20 00C8
9P2 25% EnergyD00C9B20 00C8
800C9B20 0032
10P2 50% EnergyD00C9B20 00C8
800C9B20 0064
11P2 75% EnergyD00C9B20 00C8
800C9B20 0096
12P2 1-Hit DeathD00C9B20 00C8
800C9B20 0001
13P2 No Energy800C9B20 0000
14P1 Infinite Magic800C9946 0708
15P1 No Magic800C9946 0000
16P2 Infinite Magic800C9B22 0708
17P2 No Magic800C9B22 0000
18Have All Characters800E34B4 0010
800E34F4 0001
19Hit Anywhere (Both Players)18003D3C2 2400
8003D7AA 2400
20All Attacks Hurt P18003C008 800C
8003C00A 3C10
8003C00C 9938
8003C00E 3610
21All Attacks Hurt P28003C008 800C
8003C00A 3C10
8003C00C 9B14
8003C00E 3610

1With this code, it allows both players to hit, make contact, with each other no matter where they are on the screen.

Most by Daryl1
The Rockin Rattlesnake20, 21