
Command & Conquer

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Infinite Money (GDI Disc Only)18011B964 FFFF
2Infinite Money (NOD Disc Only)8011C04C FFFF
Building Build Options Only
3Enable 1st & 2nd Building Option Modifiers2800D54EC ????
4Enable 3th & 4th Building Option Modifiers800D54EE ????
5Enable 5th & 6th Building Option Modifiers800D54F0 ????
6Enable 7th & 8th Building Option Modifiers800D54F2 ????
7Enable 9th & 10th Building Option Modifiers800D54F4 ????
8Enable 11th & 12th Building Option Modifiers800D54F6 ????
9Enable 13th & 14th Building Option Modifiers800D54F8 ????
10Enable 15th & 16th Building Option Modifiers800D54FA ????
11Enable 17th & 18th Building Option Modifiers800D54FC ????
12Enable 19th & 20th Building Option Modifiers800D54FE ????
13Enable 21st & 22nd Building Option Modifiers800D5500 ????
Infantry Build Options Only
14Enable 23rd Building Option Modifier3800D5502 ??00
15Enable 24th & 25th Building Option Modifiers800D5504 ????
16Enable 26th & 27th Building Option Modifiers800D5506 ????
17Enable 28th & 29th Building Option Modifiers800D5508 ????
18Enable 30th & 31st Building Option Modifiers800D550A ????
19Enable 32nd & 33rd Building Option Modifiers800D550C ????
20Enable 34th & 35th Building Option Modifiers800D550E ????
21Enable 36th & 37th Building Option Modifiers800D5510 ????
22Enable 38th & 39th Building Option Modifiers800D5512 ????
23Enable 40th & 41st Building Option Modifiers800D5514 ????
24Enable 42nd & 43rd Building Option Modifiers800D5516 ????
25Enable 44th & 45th Building Option Modifiers800D5518 ????
Vehicle Build Options Only
26Enable 46th & 47th Building Option Modifiers4800D551A ????
27Enable 48th & 49th Building Option Modifiers800D551C ????
28Enable 50th & 51st Building Option Modifiers800D551E ????
29Enable 52nd & 53rd Building Option Modifiers800D5520 ????
30Enable 54th & 55th Building Option Modifiers800D5522 ????
31Enable 56th & 57th Building Option Modifiers800D5524 ????
32Enable 58th & 59th Building Option Modifiers800D5526 ????
33Enable 60th & 61st Building Option Modifiers800D5528 ????
34Enable 62nd & 63rd Building Option Modifiers800D552A ????
35Enable 64th & 65th Building Option Modifiers800D552C ????
36Enable 66th & 67th Building Option Modifiers800D552E ????
Aircraft Build Options Only
37Enable 68th Building Option Modifier5800D5530 ??00
38Enable 69th & 70th Building Option Modifiers800D5532 ????
39Enable 71st & 72nd Building Option Modifiers800D5534 ????
40Enable 73rd & 74th Building Option Modifiers800D5536 ????
41Enable 75th & 76th Building Option Modifiers800D5538 ????
42Enable 77th & 78th Building Option Modifiers800D553A ????
43Enable 79th & 80th Building Option Modifiers800D553C ????
44Enable 81st & 82nd Building Option Modifiers800D553E ????
45Enable 83rd & 84th Building Option Modifiers800D5540 ????
46Enable 85th & 86th Building Option Modifiers800D5542 ????
47Enable 87th & 88th Building Option Modifiers800D5544 ????
48Enable 89th & 90th Building Option Modifiers800D5546 ????
Special Weapons Build Options Only
49Enable 91st Building Option Modifier6300D5548 00??
50Enable 92nd Building Option Modifier300D5549 00??
51Enable 93rd Building Option Modifier300D554A 00??
GDI Disc
52Instant Air Strikes300D5548 0032
8011B8B8 0007
53Instant Ion Cannon300D5549 0033
8011B89C 0007
54Instant Nuclear Strike300D554A 0034
8011B8D4 0017
55Infinite Power8011B984 FFFF
56Instant Build Buildings8011B97C FFFF
57Instant Build Units8011B974 FFFF
58Instant Build Vehicles8011B978 FFFF
59Instant Build Aircraft8011B970 FFFF
60Infinite Life Commando780101D58 0050
GDI Build Set
61Buildings800D54EC 0302
800D54EE 0504
800D54F0 0706
800D54F2 0A09
800D54F4 0F0D
800D54F6 1110
800D54F8 1412
800D54FA 1715
62Infantry800D5502 1900
800D5504 1A1C
800D5506 1E1F
63Vehicles800D551A 2721
800D551C 2625
800D551E 2A28
800D5520 2D2C
800D5522 002E
64Aircraft800D5530 2F00
800D5532 0031
NOD Disc
65Instant Air Strikes300D5548 0032
8011BFA0 0007
66Instant Ion Cannon300D5549 0033
8011BF84 0007
67Instant Nuclear Strike300D554A 0034
8011BFBC 0017
68Infinite Power8011C06C FFFF
69Instant Build Buildings8011C064 FFFF
70Instant Build Units8011C05C FFFF
71Instant Build Vehicles8011C060 FFFF
72Instant Build Aircraft8011C058 FFFF
Both Discs
73Covert Ops Menu8D012FFB4 0100
801838BC 0007
74Infinite Energy (All Land Troops)800323D4 C000
800323D6 0C07
801F0000 0055
801F0002 9201
801F0006 2400
801F0008 FFF7
801F000A 2421
801F000C 0002
801F000E 1420
801F0012 2400
801F0014 0004
801F0016 27FF
801F0018 0008
801F001A 03E0
801F001E 2400
75Characters Speak In Japanese3012FB1C 0001
76Have Convert Operations Open (Main Menu)3012FCE4 0001

1It is impossible to make Infinite Life for units and buildings because the unit work on a random address system in other words if I find a code for one tank, the next tank I build will have another code. I can however make codes for units and buildings that are already made when the mission starts. Unless you can find a universal code which may or may not exist. But then if you have Infinite Life on your minigunners then the enemy has Infinite Life minigunners also. This is the way it was on the PC.
200 - Nothing
01 - Blank
02 - Sandbag Wall
03 - Chaing Link Fence
04 - Concrete Wall
05 - Tiberium Silo
06 - Power Plant
07 - Barracks [GDI Only]
08 - Hand of Nod [NOD Only]
09 - Guard Tower [GDI Only]
0A - Hospital [GDI Only]
0B - Bio-Research Lab [NOD Only]
0C - Gun Turret [NOD Only]
0D - Advanced Power Plant
0E - Sam Site [NOD Only]
0F - Communication Center
10 - Advanced Guard Tower [GDI Only]
11 - Repair Bay
12 - Helicopter Pad
13 - Obelisk Guard Tower [NOD Only]
14 - Tiberium Refinery
15 - Weapons Factory [GDI Only]
16 - Air Strip [NOD Only]
17 - Advanced Communciaiton Center [GDI]
18 - Temple of Nod [NOD Only]
319 - Mini Gunner
1A - Grenadier [GDI Only]
1B - Flame Thrower [NOD Only]
1C - Bazooka [GDI Only]
1D - Chem Warrior [NOD Only]
1E - Engineer
1F - Commando
420 - Nod Buggy [NOD Only]
21 - Hum-Vee [GDI Only]
22 - Artillery [NOD Only]
23 - Recon Bike [NOD Only]
24 - Light Tank [NOD Only]
25 - APC [GDI Only]
26 - S.S.M. Launcher
27 - Med Tank [NOD Only]
28 - Rocket Launcher
29 - Flame Tank [NOD Only]
2A - Visceroid
2B - Stealth Tank [NOD Only]
2C - Harvester
2D - Mammoth Tank [GDI Only]
2E - Mobile Construction Yard
52F - Orca [GDI Only]
30 - Attack Helicopter [NOD Only]
31 - Transportational Helicopter
632 - Air Strike
33 - Ion Cannon
34 - Nuclear Strike
7This code only works on the Special Ops Mission 1 GDI Disc.
8When the screen to start a new game is up. Press Select. You will see repair and the bottom. DO NOT ALTER ITS VALUE unless you have a Comms Link to reprogram your shark. It will lock up your shark. Then just press up from the first menu option and hit X.

CodeMaster & CodeBoy1, 2
Most by CodeMaster & Thunder23, 14, 26, 37, 49, 60, 73
CodeMaster, Barubary & Thunder274