
Championship Motocross: Featuring Ricky CarMichael

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Unlock All Classes80086E68 000F
2Unlock All Tracks80086E6C 0FFF
3Unlock Mirror Mode80086E70 0001
4Unlock View Fox Movie80086E7C 0001
5Huge Head & Tires80086E36 0001
6Total Point Modifier & Always Place First1800D4F1C 00??
7Lap Modifier280086E38 ????
8Big Head & Tire Mode30086E34 0001

1It will say you placed 8th but it will show your point total and you are in first then. Put in a high number to `Always Place First' like 99.
20000 - No Laps
0001 - One Lap, Etc.

ViperByte1, 2, 3, 4
Skyywalker5, 6, 7