
Command & Conquer

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Infinite Health8011B258 C000
8011B25A 0C07
8011B25E 2400
801F0000 007C
801F0002 9201
801F0006 2400
801F0008 FF88
801F000A 2421
801F000C 0002
801F000E 1020
801F0012 2400
801F0014 001E
801F0016 A602
801F0018 1400
801F001A 0002
801F001C 0008
801F001E 03E0
801F0022 2400
2Infinite MoneyD001008A 0004
8002A798 FFFF
D001008A 0004
8002A79A 03FF
3Infinite PowerD001008A 0004
8002A7B4 FFFF
D001008A 0004
8002A7B6 00FF
4No Power UsageD001008A 0004
8002A7B8 0000
5No Silos Needed1D001008A 0004
8002A794 0000
6Instant Sonar Ping2D001008A 0004
8002A640 00FF
7Instant Atomic BombsD001008A 0004
8002A658 00FF
8Instant ChronoShiftD001008A 0004
8002A670 00FF
9Instant ParabombsD001008A 0004
8002A688 00FF
10Instant ParatroopersD001008A 0004
8002A6A0 00FF
11Instant Spy PlaneD001008A 0004
8002A6B8 00FF
12Instant Iron CurtainD001008A 0004
8002A6D0 00FF

1Infinite Health by CodeMaster. All other codes by Thunder2.
2The `Special Weapons Menu Activator' must be used with these `Instant' codes!

Thunder25, 6