
Command & Conquer

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Infinite MoneyD001008A 0004
8002CD40 FFFF
D001008A 0004
8002CD42 03FF
2Infinite PowerD001008A 0004
D001008A 0004
8002CD5E 00FF
3No Power UsageD001008A 0004
8002CD60 0000
4No Silos Needed1D001008A 0004
8002CD3C 0000
5Instant Sonar Ping2D001008A 0004
8002CBE8 00FF
6Instant Atomic BombsD001008A 0004
8002CC00 00FF
7Instant ChronoShiftD001008A 0004
8002CC18 00FF
8Instant ParabombsD001008A 0004
8002CC30 00FF
9Instant ParatroopersD001008A 0004
8002CC48 00FF
10Instant Spy PlaneD001008A 0004
8002CC60 00FF
11Instant Iron CurtainD001008A 0004
8002CC78 00FF
12Everyone Starts With 65535 Credits801A9FD0 FFFF
13Everyone Starts With 0 Credits801A9FD0 0000
14Everyone Starts With 50 Units801A9F68 0032
15Everyone Starts With 0 Units801A9F68 0000
16Start With 0 AI Teams801AA004 0000
17Reveal Map301B4628 000F
18Invincible8002CE2A 0000

1Infinite Health by CodeMaster. All other codes by Thunder2.
2The `Special Weapons Menu Activator' must be used with these `Instant' codes!

Thunder21, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16