
Bloody Roar 2: The New Breed

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Infinite Health P1 Only180178A5C 0100
80178A5E 3221
80178A64 000D
80178A66 1020
2Infinite Health P2 Only80178A5C 0100
80178A5E 3221
80178A64 000D
80178A66 1420
3Infinite Health P1 & P280178A9A 2400
4Infinite Time To Choose Character801FFE1C 1760
5Have All Characters801C0FF4 FFFF
6Have All Movies801C0FD0 FFFF
7Get All Pictures801C0FFC FFFF
801C1000 FFFF
801C1002 FFFF
801C1004 FFFF
8Have All Custom801C0FEC FFFF
9Infinite Time80151356 2400
10Start With Full Beast Meters P1 & P28017570C 3A00
11Hit Wherever (Both Players)280145BCE 1000
12Infinite Beast Meter (When Blocking) P180144B44 0100
80144B46 3221
80144B7C 0007
80144B7E 1020
13Infinite Beast Meter (When Blocking) P280144B44 0100
80144B46 3221
80144B7C 0007
80144B7E 1420
14Infinite Beast Meter (When Blocking) P1 & P280144B9A 2400
15Infinite Beast Meter (When Not Blocking) P180144814 0100
80144816 3221
80144868 0007
8014486A 1020
16Infinite Beast Meter (When Not Blocking) P280144814 0100
80144816 3221
80144868 0007
8014486A 1420
17Infinite Beast Meter (When Not Blocking) P1 & P280144882 2400
18Only 1 Fight to Win Game801529EC 0007
8701529EE 2402
19All Attacks Hurt P1 (When Not Blocking)80178A84 1D80
80178A86 0C00
80178A8A 2400
80178A9C 1D85
80178A9E 0C00
80178AA2 2400
80007600 1880
80007602 0003
80007604 0018
80007606 0064
80007608 0000
8000760A 3621
8000760C 0008
8000760E 03E0
80007610 00E8
80007612 36D1
80007614 00AE
80007616 9622
80007618 4010
8000761A 0000
8000761C 0008
8000761E 03E0
80007620 0000
80007622 3431
20One Hit Death (Both Players)380017ACE 3229
80017ACE 0022

11st-3rd & 10-17 by CodeMaster, 4th-9th & 18th by ViperByte, 19th-20th by Sage.
2With this code, it allows both players to hit, make contact, with each other no matter where they are on the screen.
3Don't use with both 'Health' codes.

CodeMaster1, 11