

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1(M) Must Be OnEC87A648 143ACAF4
2Braindead Enemy A.I.11C818848 15F6E79D
1C81884C 1456E7A5
1C8A3C70 15F6E79D
1C8A3C74 1456E7A5
3Pause And Press L2 To Save Anywhere20CBF92F6 1456B10C
4CF6B274 1456E7AE
4Press Select To Walk On Air3DC938022 142ED6F7
1C899850 15F6E79D
1C899854 1456E7A5
5Press Select + X For Normal Walk4DC934022 142ED6F7
1C899850 39A1B095
1C899854 91D38BAD

1Only a few spiders come out of the blackness, and they run away from you.
2When you load, you MUST sit on the couch once so the save menu comes up. From then on you can asve anywhere, even without Yorda.
3Allows you to continue walking off any ledge ICO can walk off of.
4Use this to deactivate the "Walk on Air" code after falling or jumping.

All by Interact2, 3, 4, 5