
WWF Wrestlemania 2000

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Ring Modifier18109E99A 000?
2Wear Belts To Ring2D011C37D 0004
8011C392 00??
3Fight Outside Cage In Cage Matches3801676D5 00FF
80167FA5 002D
4Change Anyone's "In The Ring" Taunt48011C08D 00??
5Change Anyone's "Defense Head" Points To 08011C8C5 0000
6Change Anyone's "Front Special"58011BFC7 00??
7Change Anyone's "Front Stolen Move"8011BFCB 00??
8Change Anyone's "Accompanied By"8011A819 00??
9Character Modifier68109EFF0 ????
8109EFF8 0008
10Fast Music80038AAB 000?
11Wear Belt Modifier To Ring7D011C37D 0004
8011C392 00??
12P1 Press Z For InterferenceD1095184 2000
8016F0AD 000A
13Auto Bleed P1 (Lays There & Does Nothing, But Is Bloody)811671EA 0032
14Auto Bleed P2 (Lays There & Does Nothing, But Is Bloody)8016767F 0032
15Play Cage Match In King Of The Ring Mode (Can Cause Lockups)8016F2BD 0004
16Desperation/Overkill CodeD2167235 0000
8014E571 0048
D21676C9 0000
8014E571 0048
D2167B5D 0000
8014E571 0048
D2167FF1 0000
8014E571 0048
D0167235 0000
D01676C9 0000
D0167B5D 0000
D0167FF1 0000
8014E571 0001
D2167235 0000
8014E591 0053
D21676C9 0000
8014E591 0053
D2167B5D 0000
8014E591 0053
D2167FF1 0000
8014E591 0053
D0167235 0000
D01676C9 0000
D0167B5D 0000
D0167FF1 0000
8014E591 0049
17Change Anyone's Rival Superstar 188011A811 00??
18Change Anyone's Rival Superstar 28011A813 00??
19Change Anyone's Rival Superstar 38011A815 00??
20Change Anyone's Music980261A9D 00??
21Change Anyone's Video1080261B25 00??
22Spectrumz Damnation Arena118104725F 0697
81047260 06A7
81047478 0B60
8104747E 0B62
81047480 0B62
81047482 0B62
81047484 0B62
81047486 0AC6
81047488 0AC6
8104748C 0AC6
810474C2 0BBC
810474F2 0BBC
810474C4 0B02
810474F4 0B02
810474C6 0B60
810474F6 0B60
810474C8 0B60
810474F8 0B60
810474CA 0BBC
810474FA 0BBC
810474CC 0BBC
810474FC 0BBC
810474CE 0BBC
810474FE 0BBC
810474D0 0B62
81047500 0B62
810474D2 0BBC
81047502 0BBC
8104796F 0B62
81047970 0B62
81047974 0B62
81047976 0B62
81047978 0B62
23Nitro Ring810474CE 0787
810474FE 0787
810474C8 069B
810474F8 069B
81047478 00AE
8104747E 069D
81047480 069D
81047482 069D
81047484 069D
24Vagina Ring81047478 15FF
8104747E 15FF
81047480 15FF
81047482 15FF
81047484 15FF
25Wrestle On The Rock's Face81047478 1601
8104747E 1601
81047480 1601
81047482 1601
81047484 1601
26nWo Belt Ring81047478 0757
8104747E 0757
81047480 0757
81047482 0757
81047484 0757
27WCW Ring81047478 0787
8104747E 0787
81047480 0787
81047482 0787
81047484 0787
28Light Blue Ropes81047C34 0000
81047C36 0000
81047C38 8080
81047C3A 8080
81047C3C F0F0
81047C3E F0F0
29Dark Blue Ropes81047C34 0000
81047C36 0000
81047C38 0000
81047C3A 0000
81047C3C F0F0
81047C3E F0F0
30Green Ropes81047C34 0000
81047C36 0000
81047C38 F0F0
81047C3A F0F0
81047C3C 0000
81047C3E 0000
31Bright Red Ropes81047C34 F0F0
81047C36 F0F0
81047C38 0000
81047C3A 0000
81047C3C 0000
81047C3E 0000
32Floating Ring8104747E 2316
81047480 2316
81047482 2316
81047484 2316
33No Ring8104747e 2316
81047480 2316
81047482 2316
81047484 2316
81047478 2316
34The People's Ring81047478 1601
35RTWM Code12D1095184 2000
801676B8 0007
D1095184 2020
80167688 0064
D1095184 2010
80167B1C 0064
36Ladder Match (*Raw Is War *Cage Match)81075D88 3E80
81075DB0 3E80
81077070 3E80
81077098 3E80
810770B0 3E80
37Tope Rope X-Factor13D116767C 22C8
D1167682 0022
811671E8 25A8
D116767C 22C8
D1167682 0032
811671E8 1E03
Dummy Is Han Zo Mon
38Head8104683E 133A
81046840 12F0
81046842 07A8
39Costume81046AD8 0C08
81046ADA 0AA4
81046ADC 0AA4
81046ADE 0B42
81046AE0 0B42
81046AE4 0CD2
81046AE6 0C10
81046AE8 0E34
81046AEA 0000
81046AEC 0B42
81046AEE 0B42
81046AF2 0E34
81046AF4 0CD2
81046AF6 0C10
81046AF8 0F1E
40Optional Body Codes810468F8 0841
810468FA 0980
810468FC 0981
810468FE 0A50
81046900 0A51
8104690C 0A52
8104690E 0A53
41Belts For Double J Modifier1481045500 ????
42Blood Mist Modifer (Use Blood Mist As CAW's Finisher)15D11671E8 1D91
80166D91 00??
D116767C 1D91
80166D91 00??
Glitch Codes
438-Bit Players8004A575 0001
44Jagged Players8004A575 000F
45Invisible Players8004A576 008F
46Big Upside Down Wrestlers8004A579 001F
47Confetti Spot Wrestlers8004A57E 008F
48Shadow Body Parts8004A586 0002
49Shadow Lines8004A586 000F
50Shadow Static Lines8004A586 0000
51Virtual Fighter Wrestlers8004A589 00E0
52Ancient Wrestlers8004A58A 000F
53Chess Wrestling8004ACE8 003E
54Low Body Wrestlers8004ACF0 003E
55Everything Is Large8004A153 0006
56Black Wrestlers Before Match8011C392 0099
57Backwards Wrestlers80010558 0043
58Upside Down Wrestlers With Heads Between Legs80010548 0043

10 - Monday Night Raw
1 - Sunday Night Heat
2 - Royal Rumble
3 - King of The Ring
4 - Survivor Series
5 - Wrestlemania
6 - Summerslam

You must put in both codes and hold in C- Down before the music plays.

01 - Smokin' Skull Belt
02 - WWF Heavyweight Belt
03 - Intercontinental Belt
04 - European Belt Belt
05 - Hardcore Belt
06 - Tag Team Belt
07 - Women's Belt
08 - Pink IC Belt
11 - Smokin' Skull Belt on Shoulder
12 - WWF Heavyweight Belt on Shoulder
13 - Intercontinental Belt on Shoulder
14 - European Belt Belt on Shoulder
15 - Hardcore Belt on Shoulder
16 - Tag Team Belt on Shoulder
17 - Women's Belt on Shoulder
18 - Pink IC Belt on Shoulder
3With this code, players cannot preform submission moves to downed players. It is as if the players are managers. You may enter the ring, and then climb back out for the victory.
4If you change a normal wrestler (ex. Austin), then it will reset the move after you turn off the game, or it will reset the move after the match is over.

Must go to moves and see that it is there first, you have to see front finisher to activate code.

Blood Mist - 003
Dominator - 010
Downward Spiral - 013
BA Move - 015
Mandible Claw - 029
Pedigree - 032
Pimp Drop - 033
Rock Bottom - 042
Shake Rattle Roll - 048
Showstopper - 049
Sky High - 051
Snow Plow - 053
Stunner - 058
Sweet Chin Music - 063
X Factor - 068
6Leave only 6 people in superstars 8, turn code on, guy will be last one, trade guy to different stable but first one will still be there don't worry it will go away when you turn the code off, turn code off.

Austin - 0001
The Rock - 0002
S. Michaels - 0003
Dude Love - 0004
Cactus Jack - 0005
Undertaker - 0101
Triple H - 0102
Vince - 0103
Shane - 0104
Farooq - 0105
Bradshaw - 0106
Big Bossman - 0106
Viscera - 0108
Mideon - 0109
Big Show - 0201
Mankind - 0202
Ken Shamrock - 0203
Test - 0204
Road Dogg - 0301
Mr. *** - 0302
X-Pac - 0303
Kane - 0304
Val Venis - 0401
Godfather - 0402
Jericho - 0403
Mark Henry - 0403
D'Lo Brown - 0405
Jeff Jarrett - 0406
Steve Blackman - 0502
Droz - 0503
Prince Albert - 0504
Meat - 0505
Thrasher - 0506
Chaz - 0507
Edge - 0601
Gangrel - 0602
Christian - 0603
Al Snow - 0701
Hardcore Holly - 0702
Blue Meanie - 0704
Too Sexy - 0801
Too Hot - 0802
J. Hardy - 0803
M. Hardy - 0804
Pat Patterson - 0901
Gerald Brisco - 0902
Michael Hayes - 0903
Jerry Lawler - 0904
Jim Ross - 0905
Terri Runnels - 0A02
Jacqulene - 0A03
Ivory - 0A04
Debra - 0A05
Tori - 0A06
Chyna - 0A07
Stephanie - 0A08
Original A CAW - 0C01
7With this code, to wear a belt to the ring press and hold the C-Down button before the titantron entrance. To change the belt simply change the 1 value on the second line to anything between 1-9.
01 - Smoking Skull Belt
02 - WWF Heavyweight Belt
03 - Intercontinental Belt
04 - European Belt
05 - Hardcore Belt
06 - Tag Team Belt
07 - Women's Belt
08 - Pink Intercontinental Belt
11 - Smokin Skull Belt on Shoulder
12 - WWF Heavyweight Belt on Shoulder
13 - Intercontinental Belt on Shoulder
14 - European Belt on Shoulder
15 - Hardcore Belt on Shoulder
16 - Tag Team Belt on Shoulder
17 - Women's Belt on Shoulder
18 - Pink Intercontinental Belt on Shoulder
02-Big Show
09-Corporate Ministry
0B-Double J
11-Hardy Boyz
1C-Mark Henry
1F-Mr. Ass
20-Orignial BGM1
21-Original BGM2
24-Raw is War
25-Road Dogg
28-Stone Cold
2A-Too Cool
9None - 00
Austin - 01
The Rock - 02
S. Michaels - 03
Dude Love - 04
Cactus Jack - 05
Undertaker - 06
Triple H - 07
Vince - 08
Shane - 09
Farooq - 0A
Bradshaw - 0B
Big Bossman - 0C
Viscera - 0D
Mideon - 0E
Pail Bearer - 0F
Big Show - 10
Mankind - 11
Ken Shamrock - 12
Test - 13
Road Dogg - 14
Mr. Ass - 15
X-Pac - 16
Kane - 17
Val Venis - 18
Godfather - 19
Jericho - 1A
Mark Henry - 1B
D'Lo Brown - 1C
Jeff Jarrett - 1D
Steve Blackman - 1E
Droz - 1F
Prince Albert - 20
Meat - 21
Thrasher - 22
Chaz - 23
Edge - 24
Gangrel - 25
Christian - 26
Al Snow - 27
Hardcore Holly - 28
Blue Meanie - 29
Too Sexy - 2A
Too Hot - 2B
J. Hardy - 2C
M. Hardy - 2D
Pat Patterson - 2E
Gerald Brisco - 2F
Michael Hayes - 30
Jerry Lawler - 31
Jim Ross - 32
Original A CAW - 33
Original B CAW - 34
Original C CAW - 35
Original D CAW - 36
Original E CAW - 37
Original F CAW - 38
Original G CAW - 39
Original H CAW - 3A
Original I CAW - 3B
Original J CAW - 3C
Original K CAW - 3D
Original L CAW - 3E
Original M CAW - 3F
Original N CAW - 40
Original O CAW - 41
Original P CAW - 42
Hos - 43
Terri Runnels - 44
Jacqulene - 45
Ivory - 46
Debra - 47
Tori - 48
Chyna - 49
Stephanie - 4A
Crash Dummy - 4B
02-Big Show
09-Corporate Ministry
0B-Double J
11-Hardy Boyz
1A-Mark Henry
1D-Mr. Ass
1F-Road Dogg
22-Stone Cold
24-Too Cool
11This code replaces the RAW Arena
12If you enter the ring first knock your opponent down twice. On the second time press Z when his shoulders are on the floor. This will start a three count. When the count reaches three you will win. If you enter the ring second hold L, press Z then let go of L. This will get you on red. If you enter the ring third hold R, press Z then let go of R. This will get you on red.
13This move replaces the top rope 3/4 Neckbreaker. The move does not glitch, but is not perfect.
14Replace ???? with:
15ED: Bronze belt
15EF: Blue belt
15F1: Colorful belt
15F3: Gold belt 1
15F5: Hardcore Belt
15F7: Gold belt 2
15F9: Blue & Gold belt
15FB: Pink belt
074F Us Title
0751 Cruiserweight
0753 Tag titles
0755 WCW World * By: JVC
0757 nWo World
0759 TV Title
15Replace ?? with
12-Table Mist
01-Shovel mist
99-Invisible mist
02-Hockey Mist
03-Guitar Mist
04-Nightstick Mist
05-Head mist
06-Cane mist
07-Gangrel Cup mist
08-Lumber mist
09-Purple goo mist
10-Baseball Bat mist
11-Chair mist
12-Table mist
13-Ring Step mist
14-Trash Can mist
15-Fire Mist
00-Broom mist
16-Blood mist

ScrawnyDonny4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Skater886@aol.com12, 13, 14, 15
Animal17, 18, 19, 20, 21
Spectrumz22, 28, 29, 30, 31, 43, 44, 45, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54
Jason Von Crush23
Jason Von Cush24, 25, 26, 27
Joey Lujan32, 33, 34, 35
SS Enterprises36, 41, 42
Sith Lord Womp Rats46
Sith Lord Romp Ways55
jmdrulez@yahoo.com57, 58