
Wayne Gretzky's 3D Hockey '98

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Team 2 Scores 50 Points8011F571 0032
2Team 2 Scores 0 Points8011F571 0000
3Team 1 Scores 50 Points8011C061 0032
4Team 1 Scores 0 Points8011C061 0000
5Team 1 Score Modifier8011C061 00??
6Team 2 Score Modifier8011F571 00??
7Timer Modifier81118A34 ????
8Extra Teams80115A0C 0001
9Players Height Modifier181120688 ????
10Head/Body Size Modifier [See Above Note]81118A2C ????
11Players Width Modifier [See Above Note]810DBA6C ????
12Get In Fights Constantly800CF766 0020
13Cheat Device Button For Stop The Clock2880D8821 0000
14Cheat Device Button For Clock To Countdown3880D8821 0001
15Number of Penalties Modifier Team 18011C069 00??
16Number of Penalties Modifier Team 28011F579 00??
17Number of Shots Modifier Team 18011C063 00??
18Number of Shots Modifier Team 28011F573 00??
19Shot Worth Modifier81062582 00??
20Shots Worth Nothing81062588 2400
21Goal Worth Modifier81062A6E 00??
22Goals Worth Nothing81062A70 2400
23Stop Timer81057040 2400
24Stop Timer (Alternate)81057038 2400
25Period Length Modifier - 5:00 Period Option (Default 43960000)810C8130 ????
810C8132 ????
26Period Length Modifier - 10:00 Period Option (Default 44160000)810C8134 ????
810C8136 ????
27Period Length Modifier - 15:00 Period Option (Default 44610000)810C8138 ????
810C813A ????
28Period Length Modifier - 20:00 Period Option (Default 44960000)810C813C ????
810C813E ????
29Period Length Modifier - 1:30 Period Option (Default 42B40000)810C8140 ????
810C8142 ????
30Period Length Modifier - 2:00 Period Option (Default 42F00000)810C8144 ????
810C8146 ????
31Period Length Modifier - 2:30 Period Option (Default 43160000)810C8148 ????
810C814A ????
32Period Length Modifier - 3:00 Period Option (Default 43340000)810C814C ????
810C814E ????
33Team 1 Team Modifier8011C06E 00??
34Team 2 Team Modifier8011F57E 00??
35Play Mode Modifier4801627B1 000?
36Rink Size Modifier580114E21 000?
37Team Size Modifier80115959 000?
38Difficulty Modifier680120639 000?
39Sound Effects Volume Modifier80115830 00??
40Announcer Volume Modifier80115831 00??
41Music Volume Modifier80115832 00??
42Crowd Volume Modifier80115833 00??
Penalty Time Modifiers Team 1
43P1810F3AC0 ????
44P2810F3AD4 ????
45P3810F3AFC ????
46P4810F3B24 ????
47P5810F3B4C ????
48P6810F3B74 ????
49P7810F3BB0 ????
50P8810F3BD8 ????
51P9810F3C00 ????
Penalty Time Modifiers Team 2
52P1810F3AE8 ????
53P2810F3B10 ????
54P3810F3B38 ????
55P4810F3B68 ????
56P5810F3B88 ????
57P6810F3B9C ????
58P7810F3BC4 ????
59P8810F3BEC ????
60P9810F3C14 ????

13F00 - Very Small
3F80 - Normal Size
3FC0 - Large
4080 - Very Large
2With this code, it will stop the clock anytime the clock is counting down.
3With this code, it will make the clock countdown when the clock isn't already counting down, like when the puck is not in play, if you press the Cheat Device Button the clock will still be counting down.
40 - Simulation
1 - Arcade
50 - Arcade
1 - Regulation
60 - Very Easy
1 - Easy
2 - Medium
3 - Hard
4 - Very Hard

InterAct1, 2, 3, 4
N64CP5, 6
Viper6667, 15, 16, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42
CodeMaster8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
Viper18717, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34