
Turok Dinosaur Hunter Version 1.1

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
Modify Options
1Music Volume Modifier81119552 ????
2SFX Volume Modifier81119556 ????
3Opacity Modifier8111955A ????
4Horizontal Analog Modifier8111955E ????
5Vertical Analog Modifier81119562 ????
6Control Type Modifier180119547 000?
Access Cheats
7Enable Cheats81119540 FFFF
81119542 FFFF
8Activate Cheat Modifier 128011968C 00??
9Activate Cheat Modifier 238011968D 00??
10Activate Cheat Modifier 348011968E 00??
11Activate Cheat Modifier 458011968F 00??
12Have Cheat Modifier 180119690 00??
13Have Cheat Modifier 280119691 00??
14Have Cheat Modifier 380119692 00??
15Have Cheat Modifier 480119693 00??
Enable Key Codes
16Levels 1-8 All Main Keys80128EBB 00FF
17Have Level 1 (1-3) Keys80128E83 0007
18Have Level 1 (4-6) Keys80128E87 0007
19Have Level 2 (1 & 2) & Level 3 (1) Keys80128E8B 0007
20Have Level 2 (3) & Level 3 (2 & 3) Keys80128E8F 0007
21Have Level 4 (1 & 2) & Level 5 (1) Keys80128E93 0007
22Have Level 6 (1-3) Keys80128E97 0007
23Have Level 4 (3), Level 5 (2 & 3) Keys & Level 7 (1 & 2)80128E9B 001F
Enable Weapons
24Have Pistol80128E47 0001
25Have Shotgun80128E4B 0001
26Have Automatic Shotgun80128E4F 0001
27Have Assault Rifle80128E53 0001
28Have Pulse Rifle80128E57 0001
29Have Mini Gun80128E5B 0001
30Have Grenade Launcher80128E5F 0001
31Have Alien Weapon80128E63 0001
32Have Quad Rocket Launcher80128E67 0001
33Have Particle Accelerator80128E6B 0001
34Have Fusion Cannon80128E6F 0001
35Have Chronoscepter80128E73 0001
Infinite Ammo Codes
36Infinite Pulse Rifle/Alien Weapon/Particle Accelerator Ammo80128E0B 00FF
37Infinite Tek Arrows80128E0F 00FF
38Infinite Shotgun/Auto Shotgun Ammo (Red Shells)80128E13 00FF
39Infinite Standard Arrows80128E1F 00FF
40Infinite Mini Gun80128E23 00FF
41Infinite Grenade Launcher Ammo80128E27 00FF
42Infinite Quad Rocket Ammo80128E2B 00FF
43Infinite Fusion Cannon Ammo80128E2F 00FF
44Infinite Chronoscepter Ammo80128E33 00FF
45Infinite Pistol/Assault Rifle Ammo80128E03 00FF
46Infinite Shotgun/Auto Shotgun Ammo (Green Shells)80128E07 00FF
Open Portal Codes
47Have Level 2 Portals Open81128E9E 0003
48Have Level 3 Portals Open81128EA2 0003
49Have Level 4 Portals Open81128EA6 0003
50Have Level 5 Portals Open81128EAA 0003
51Have Level 6 Portals Open81128EAE 0003
52Have Level 7 Portals Open81128EB2 0003
53Have Level 8 Portals Open81128EB6 0005
Miscellanous Codes
54Jump Height Modifier (43FF Default, Exceeding 4500 NOT Advised)810F3398 ????
55Deactivate The Knife80128E3B 0000
56Deactivate The Bow80128E43 0000
57Open The Three Gates Near The Beginning of Level 168114F9A0 C041
812A2624 444C
812A2626 C04B
812A2634 444C
812A2636 C04B
812A2644 444C
812A2646 C04B
812A2654 444C
812A2656 C04B
812A26A4 444D
812A26B4 444D
812A94B4 444D
812A94C4 444D
58Rapid Fire For The ChronoscepterD0119A30 0020
81128DA8 7877
59Particle Accelerator Always Has Max Charge & Rapid FireD0119A30 0020
81128DA4 7877
60Rapid Fire Bow, Minigun, Pulse Rifle781128DD4 3F8F
81128DBC 3FD9
61Infinite Lives80128FAB 00FF
62Infinite Gems80128FA7 00FF
63Can't Fire Weapons80128F60 00FF
64Moon Jump881128BE0 434C
65Infinite Health812A24F4 1E61
66The Game Continually Asks For A Controller Pak80128D6F 0007
67Walk Through Walls9N/A
68Press L To Play Turok's Rebirth Cutscene10D0119A31 0020
801198DB 0001
69Restart Code1180119A48 0004
70Restart Level12801021C0 000?
71Options Menu Control Modifier138011965B 00??
8011965F 00??
72Pause Code148111983E 0000
73Speed Modifier1581128ED8 ????
81128EDA ????
74Cutscene Modifier16N/A
75Enemies Don't Attack8105F388 2400
76Gain Health When Taking Damage800715E3 0021
77Invincible810711D4 2400
78Turok Doesn't Make Any Sound When Hit810714D8 2400
79Gain Ammo When Firing For All Weapons80057E87 0021
80Infinite Ammo For All Weapons81057E8C 2400
81Gold Life Force Value Modifier80091DF3 00??
82Red Life Force Value Modifier80091E6B 00??
83Screen Doesn't Turn Red When You Take Damage8107167C 2400
84Infinite Ammo For All Weapons (Alternate)80057E77 0004
85Pistol Always Firing8107AEB8 2400
8107AEDC 1000
86Number of Gems To Extra Life Modifier1780091E03 00??
80091E23 00??
80091E2B 00??
87Getting An Extra Life Doubles Your Current Total8105E85C 8F19
8105E85E 02E8
88Number Of Lives You Get From An Extra Life Modifier8105E864 2708
8105E866 00??
89Gain Lives Instead Of Losing Them8105E7F2 0001
90White Cross Value Modifier80091727 00??
91Mortal Wound Value Modifier800918C7 00??
92Infinite Health (Alternate)800715E1 00C0
93Infinite Health (Alternate 2)810715E8 2400
94Infinite Health + Screen Doesn't Flash Red When You Take Damage800715CD 0000
95Taking Damage Doubles Your Current Health800715E1 00CE
800715E3 0021
96Take Double Damage810715D4 0800
810715D6 0018
81000060 0063
81000062 1821
81000064 850E
81000066 01DC
81000068 0801
8100006A C577
97Take Triple Damage810715D4 0800
810715D6 0018
81000060 0063
81000062 1821
81000064 0063
81000066 1821
81000068 850E
8100006A 01DC
8100006C 0801
8100006E C577
98Take Half Damage810715D4 0800
810715D6 0018
81000060 0003
81000062 1843
81000064 850E
81000066 01DC
81000068 0801
8100006A C577
99Infinite Lives (Alternate)8005E7D9 0098
8105E7F0 2400
100Infinite Lives (Alternate 2)8005E7FD 0083
101Yellow Life Force Pickups Are Added To Your Health Instead Of Your Gems81091DE8 8479
81091DEA 01DC
81091DFC A46E
81091DFE 01DC
102Red Life Force Pickups Are Added To Your Health Instead Of Your Gems81091D60 8469
81091D62 01DC
81091D74 A46A
81091D76 01DC
103Starting Number Of Lives Modifier8005253F 00??
104Starting Number Of Gems Modifier81052548 0800
8105254A 001C
81000070 2409
81000072 00??
81000074 0801
81000076 4954
81000078 AC69
8100007A 02E4
105Start With Pistol80052619 0067
106Start With Assault Rifle8005261D 0067
107Start With Pulse Rifle80052621 0067
108Start With Shotgun80052625 0067
109Start With Auto Shotgun80052629 0067
110Start With Minigun8005262D 0067
111Start With Grenade Launcher80052631 0067
112Start With Alien Weapon80052635 0067
113Start With Quad Rocker Launcher80052639 0067
114Start With Particle Accelerator8005263D 0067
115Start With Fusion Cannon80052641 0067
116Start With Chronosceptor80052645 0067
117All Enemies Explode When Shot81071690 340B
81071692 C000
81071696 01CC
118All Enemies Explode When Shot (Alernate)81071694 0800
81071696 00D7
8100035C A50B
8100035E 01DC
81000360 340B
81000362 C000
81000364 0801
81000366 C5A7
81000368 A50B
8100036A 01CC
119All Enemies Take Double Damage81071694 0800
81071696 00CB
8100032C 016A
8100032E 5823
81000330 0801
81000332 C5A7
81000334 A50B
81000336 01DC
120All Enemies Take Triple Damage81071694 0800
81071696 00CE
81000338 016A
8100033A 5823
8100033C 016A
8100033E 5823
81000340 0801
81000342 C5A7
81000344 A50B
81000346 01DC
121All Enemies Take Quad Damage81071694 0800
81071696 00D2
81000348 016A
8100034A 5823
8100034C 016A
8100034E 5823
81000350 016A
81000352 5823
81000354 0801
81000356 C5A7
81000358 A50B
8100035A 01DC
Boss Energy Modifiers
122Hummer #1812A5FBC ????
123Hummer #2812A799C ????
124Longhunter812A7774 ????
125Mantis812A33DC ????
126T-Rex812A3F64 ????
127Campaigner812A271C ????

10 - Left Handed
1 - Right Handed
201 - Warp Campaigner
02 - Gallery
04 - Show Credits
08 - Fly Mode
10 - Show Enemies Cheats
301 - Warp Level 4
02 - Warl Level 5
04 - Warp Level 6
08 - Warp Level 7
10 - Warp Level 8
20 - Warp Longunter
40 - Warp Mantis
80 - Warp Trex
401 - Tiny Enemy Mode
02 - Pen & Ink Mode
04 - Purdy Colors
08 - Disco Mode
10 - Quack Mode
20 - Warp Level 1
40 - Warp Level 2
80 - Warp Level 3
501 - Invincibility
02 - Spirit Mode
04 - All Weapons
08 - Unlimited Ammo
10 - Infinite Lives
20 - All Keys
40 - All Map
80 - Big Head Sesh
6The gates might look like they are closed but you can walk right through them.
7The automatic code makes the assault rifle even more useless than normal. The firing time is about the same, but it uses 3 bullets and only hits 2 times.
8With this code, hold down the R Button to keep going up, once you let go, you will fall back down to the ground. If you fall a long way down, you will not lose energy as well.
9Walk Through Walls. Not Fly mode. Different Code. No up and down or float or walk through floors.
Method. Mem editor must be used.

80112CCB 0001 return to game and screen goes dark or maybe a background solid color.

Again, 80112CCB 0000 and get normal screen

NOW comes the WTW.

80112CD3 0001 and from there on in....Walk through any object, any wall, any gate.
10While in any Level, press L and you'll see the scene, but you'll lose a life.
11 You should use the memory editor or an activator for this code.
12where ? is not equal to 0 to restart level. You should use the memory editor or an activator for this code.
13??= 00 through 1D
19 = gallery
1A = credits
14Activator or Cheat Device button is advised. 0001 will unpause.
150000 = Walk
FFFF = Run
16801112CC1 00XX This is the actual cut scene modifier code. We find this code somewhat funky and does not invoke as expected.

801112CCA 0001 (for most scenes, otherwise set to 0). This code masks background during cut scene so you can't see status info and Turoks hand.

801112CC9 0030 (this code always sets itself to this value during cutscene).

Some of the quantifiers log thus far.To walk around in some cut scene areas not normally accessed during play (by setting the cut scene mod code 801112CC1 0000, 801112CCA 0000

where XX =

00 = none
01 = Acclaim Logo
02 = Lizard on Iguana Logo that Turoks weapon are seen being thrown at.
03 = Turok prepare to shoot arrow
04 = Arrow in flight toward Bullseye in opening
05 = Warp points
06 = ?
07 = normal setting when no scene running
08 = ?
09 = Turok fall to death from high place
10 = Mantis Dies
11 = Mantis kills Turok
12 = T Rex Dies
13 = T Rex eats Turok
14 = Longhunter Dies
15 = Campaigner Dies
16 = Campaigner Kills Turok
17 = Turok finds Key
18 = Campaigners complex destructs
19 = Turok runs for life and jumps to water outside complex
0A = Turok falls to ground on back
0B = Turok rebirth
0D = Longhunter appears
0F = Longhunters truck destructs
1A = Credits
1B = Turok Stands with knife after rebirth
1780091E03 00?? <-- Must be one less than the number you want for extra life
80091E23 00?? <-- Number of Gems to extra life
80091E2B 00?? <-- negative number to be added to the value of 80091CB3 00?? to equal 1 (can also be modified to end up with extra gems)

Viper6661, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 65
InterAct7, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44
CodeMaster8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 45, 46, 61, 62, 63, 64
Viper18754, 75, 76, 81, 82, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121
macrox67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74
Parasyte & Viper18777, 78, 79, 80, 83, 84, 85, 86