

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Infinite Money P181324B46 270F
2Infinite Money P281324B5A 270F
3Infinite Money P481324B80 270F
4Infinite Money P381324B6E 270F
5Position Modifier P1180324B4F 00??
6Position Modifier P280324B63 00??
7Position Modifier P380324B77 00??
8Position Modifier P480324B8B 00??
9Don't Lose Cash When Paying Rent8105123C 2400
10Gain Cash When Paying Rent Instead of Losing It80051233 0021
11Pay Double Rent81051230 0800
81051232 0018
81000060 0063
81000062 1821
81000064 0801
81000066 448E
81000068 0083
8100006A 2023
12Don't Recieve Any Rent81051278 2400
13Lose Rent Instead Of Recieving It80051277 0023
14Recieve Double Rent81051270 0800
81051272 001C
81051274 8C63
81051276 46D0
81000070 0063
81000072 1821
81000074 0801
81000076 449E
81000078 0083
8100007A 2021
15Don't Get Anything For Passing GO8104E694 2400
16Amount You Get For Passing/Landing On GO Multiplier28104E670 2405
8104E672 000?
17Don't Lose Cash When Buying Property8106141C 2400
18Gain Cash When Buying Property Instead Of Losing It8006141B 0021
19Property Cost Multiplier381061414 0800
81061416 0024
81061418 8FC3
8106141A 0028
81000090 241B
81000092 000?
81000094 007B
81000096 0019
81000098 0000
8100009A 1812
8100009C 0801
8100009E 8507
810000A0 0083
810000A2 2023
20Starting Cash Modifier810672DC 2403
810672DE ????
21Infinite Money P181324B46 FFFF
81327B92 FFFF
22No Money P181324B46 0000
81327B92 0000
23Infinite Money All Players8105682C 0000
Miscellaneous Codes
24P1 Is Potato Head4812AFAC0 506F
812AFAC2 7461
812AFAC4 746F
812AFAC6 0000
812AFAC8 0000
25Zoom Or Wander Mode5812AFAC0 5761
812AFAC2 6E64
812AFAC4 6572
812AFAC6 0000
812AFAC8 0000
26Harder Difficulty812AFAC0 4163
812AFAC2 6500
812AFAC4 0000
812AFAC6 0000
812AFAC8 0000

100 - Go!
01 - Mediterranean Avenue
02 - Community Chest
03 - Baltic Avenue
04 - Income Tax
05 - Reading Railroad
06 - Oriental Avenue
07 - Chance
08 - Vermont Avenue
09 - Connecticut Avenue
0A - Jail
0B - St. Charles Place
0C - Electric Company
0D - States Avenue
0E - Virginia Avenue
0F - Pennsylvania Railroad
10 - St. James Place
11 - Community Chest
12 - Tennessee Avenue
13 - New York Avenue
14 - Free Parking
15 - Kentucky Avenue
16 - Chance
17 - Indiana Avenue
18 - Illinois Avenue
19 - B. & O. Railroad
1A - Atlantic Avenue
1B - Ventnor Avenue
1C - Water Works
1D - Marvin Gardens
1E - Go To Jail
1F - Pacific Avenue
20 - North Carolina Avenue
21 - Community Chest
22 - Pennsylvania Avenue
23 - Short Line Railroad
24 - Chance
25 - Park Place
26 - Luxury Tax
27 - Board Walk
2200 is multiplied by ?
3Property Cost = Property Cost * ?
4When you choose the token, instead choose the money bag. It will say Potato for its name. Check it and you are ready.
5Choose a character. The name of that character will be Wander. While you are in a game, go to the assets menu. Press 'C-Up' and use 'A' and 'B' to zoom in and out.

CodeMaster's Trio1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Viper1879, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20
Goldenboy21, 22, 23
Robb24, 25, 26